Sunday, June 30, 2013

U.S. asked Ecuador to deny Snowden asylum, leader says

By Brian Ellsworth

QUITO (Reuters) - Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa said on Saturday the United States had asked him not to grant asylum for former U.S. spy agency contractor Edward Snowden in a "cordial" telephone conversation he held with U.S. Vice President Joe Biden.

Correa said he vowed to respect Washington's opinion in evaluating the request. The Andean nation says it cannot begin processing Snowden's request unless he reaches Ecuador or one of its embassies.

Snowden, who is wanted by the United States for leaking details about U.S. communications surveillance programs, is believed to still be at the Sheremetyevo airport in Moscow after leaving Hong Kong.

Praising Biden's good manners in contrast to "brats" in the U.S. Congress who had threatened to cut Ecuador's trade benefits over the Snowden issue, Correa said during his weekly television broadcast: "He communicated a very courteous request from the United States that we reject the (asylum) request."

Biden initiated the phone call, Correa said.

"When he (Snowden) arrives on Ecuadorean soil, if he arrives ... of course, the first opinions we will seek are those of the United States," Correa said.

A senior White House official traveling with President Barack Obama in Africa on Saturday confirmed the conversation had taken place.

The case has been a major embarrassment for the Obama administration, which is now facing withering criticism around the world for the espionage program known as Prism that Snowden revealed.

A German magazine on Saturday, citing secret documents, reported that the United States bugged European Union offices and gained access to EU internal computer networks, which will likely add to the furor over U.S. spying efforts.

Correa has for years been at loggerheads with Washington on issues ranging from the war on drugs to a long-running environmental dispute with U.S. oil giant Chevron.

A leftist economist who received a doctorate from the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, Correa denied he was seeking to perturb relations and said he had "lived the happiest days of my life" in the United States.

But he said the United States has not heeded Ecuador's request to extradite citizens sought by the law, including bankers he said have already been sentenced.

"There's a clear double standard here. If the United States is pursuing someone, other countries have to hand them over," Correa said. "But there are so many fugitives from our justice system (in the United States) ... and they don't return them."


Correa said Ecuador's London consulate issued Snowden an unauthorized safe-passage document, potentially as a result of communication with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who is living in the London embassy after receiving asylum last year.

Assange said on Monday that Snowden had received refugee papers from the Ecuador government to secure him safe passage as he fled Hong Kong for Russia. Correa's government had originally denied this.

A "safe-pass" document published by U.S. Spanish-language media network Univision which circulated widely online purported to offer Snowden safe passage for the purpose of political asylum. The United States has revoked his passport.

"The truth is that the consul (overstepped) his role and will face sanction," Correa said during the broadcast.

The decision was "probably in communication with Julian Assange and out of desperation that Mr. Snowden was going to be captured, but this was without the authorization of the Ecuadorean government."

Correa's critics have in recent days accused him of letting Assange take charge of crucial foreign policy matters.

Assange, who is wanted in Sweden for questioning over sexual assault allegations, has not been able to leave the London embassy because Britain will not give him safe passage.

Snowden's lack of a valid travel document appears to be one of the primary obstacles to his leaving the transit area of the Moscow international airport. Without a passport, he cannot board a commercial flight or move through airport immigration, according to diplomacy experts.

Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino declined on Thursday to comment on whether Ecuador would send a government plane to pick Snowden up. But Correa has indicated he does not have plans to provide Snowden with transport to an embassy.

Correa scoffed at reports that he himself had been aware that the document was issued or was involved in the decision.

"They think I'm so dumb that I ordered our consul in London to write a safe passage document for a U.S. citizen traveling from Hong Kong to Russia. That's simply absurd," he said.

(Additional reporting by Mark Felsenthal in Johannesburg; Editing by Daniel Wallis, Vicki Allen and Sandra Maler)


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Arrested Vatican monsignor felt he could act with impunity: judge

By Philip Pullella

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - A senior Catholic cleric arrested in a plot to smuggle tens of millions of dollars into Italy controlled vast amounts of money and felt he could act with impunity because of his connections to the Vatican bank, according to a judge's investigative document.

In the latest blow to the Vatican's image, Monsignor Nunzio Scarano, 61, was arrested on Friday along with an Italian secret service agent and a financial broker.

The three had plotted to smuggle 20 million euros ($26 million) into Italy from Switzerland for a members of a family of ship-owners in southern Italy, an investigating magistrate told reporters on Friday.

The magistrate said the pivotal protagonist was Scarano, who worked until recently as a senior accountant in the Vatican's financial administration, and that he owned numerous pieces of property and had accounts in the Vatican bank.

A 48-page document in which Judge Barbara Callari approves magistrates' requests for the arrests, and which was obtained by Reuters, contains transcripts or summaries of wiretaps, emails, letters, checks and other results of police investigations.

It describes the development of a plot that reads like a spy novel, involving a private plane that was to collect the cash in Switzerland, burned cell phones, a shady financier and an allegedly corrupt secret service agent who promised to slip the money past customs.

In her report, Callari wrote that Scarano felt safe "thanks to his relations with the Vatican bank". She said the monsignor saw the IOR as "the only safe and rapid instrument for financial and banking operations that could evade - if not outright violate - laws against money laundering and tax evasion".


The case came as an embarrassment to Pope Francis who, only two days earlier, set up a commission of inquiry into the scandal-plagued Vatican bank, formally known as the Institute for Works of Religion (IOR).

Scarano was for years a senior accountant APSA, the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See. Through APSA, he had ready access to the IOR and magistrates believe he had at least two personal accounts there.

The Vatican, which has pledged to cooperate with the magistrates, said Scarano was suspended several weeks ago when magistrates in Salerno put him under a separate investigation.

The arrests of Scarano, secret service agent Giovanni Zito and broker Giovanni Carenzio stemmed from a previous money laundering investigation by Rome magistrates into the IOR.

Magistrates have said there was no indication so far that the bank was directly involved in Scarano's attempt to smuggle the money into Italy for his rich friends.

But Italian newspapers speculated that Scarano may have been planning to use the bank to launder at least some of the Swiss money for his friends later.

The judge's report said the cash was in Swiss bank UBS. But it said it never left because Carenzio, the broker, did not carry out his part of the deal even though Zito, the secret service agent, had gone to Locarno in July, 2012 to pick it up.

In her report, Callari wrote that the investigations showed that Scarano had "very vast economic resources" and that "the prelate did not hesitate to use complicated stratagems and to involve many third parties to carry out financial operations without respecting norms against money laundering".

In the Salerno investigation, Scarano has been accused of attempting to launder money by taking 560,000 euros ($727,900) in cash out of his Vatican account and giving various amounts to friends in exchange for checks.

He then deposited the checks into an Italian bank account to pay off a mortgage on a property, his lawyer, Silverio Sica, told Reuters. Sica said well-off friends had donated money to Scarano in order for him to build a home for the terminally ill.

Scarano wanted to use that money to pay off his mortgage so he could sell a property in Salerno and use the proceeds to build the care home, Sica said, adding that Scarano would "clear everything up".

($1 = 0.7693 euros)

(Editing by Mark Heinrich)


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Sen. Fritz Hollings: The Economists

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JUNE 18, 2013 -- In 2006, the Princeton economist Alan Blinder estimated that in 10 years the U.S. would offshore 30-40 million jobs.

Today, Corporate America continues to enfeeble the U.S. economy as it builds China's -- offshoring our innovation, research, technology, production and jobs. The economists ignore the offshoring and blame a lack of consumer confidence for the lethargic economy. It's lack of money -- offshoring payrolls. Worst of all, the economists ignore the responsibility of the President and Congress to make it attractive for Corporate America to invest by adopting favorable taxes, assisting research and development and protecting vital production.

Blinder says there is a fine line between protectionism and protecting vital production to make it attractive for Corporate America to invest and he's against protectionism. Today we have no choice. China with its closed market and predatory practices sets the competition in globalization and Corporate America rushes to offshore its production to China.

The economists give the impression that Washington is trying hard for jobs by yacking about the Great Recession when the recession has been over for four years. Then the economists talk about the need for education, skills and innovation. We have the best universities in the world. South Carolina has the skills to make "the ultimate driving machine" for BMW and Boeing's Globemaster but we still have 8 percent unemployment because our textile industry has been offshored.

The U.S. has the world's best research and development and had the best innovation program, The Advanced Technology Program, but Presidents Bush and Obama abolished it. Then the economists cover their backside by calling for "growth," stimulation and 10 year plans to pay down the long-term debt. Growth is "the cup of tea" for the politician. So long as the economy needs growth, 10 year plans can be submitted that don't cut spending or increase taxes; which don't pay for government; which gets Congress by the next election. All can vote for it, but later Congresses never pay. We haven't paid for government for twelve years.

Serving on the Budget Committee for 30 years, no one ever submitted a 10 year plan. We always worried about paying for this years and next year's government. Now the economists are all for tax reform. We had three: 1976, 1986 and 2003 and lost revenues. The lobbyists help you close 2 or 3 loopholes and sneak in a couple more. It took us six years to find the ethanol loophole and repeal it. That's why I insist on a Value Added Tax. It has no loopholes and is self-enforcing. You either pay the VAT or pass it on. We can cut the size of government (IRS) and a VAT gives you instant tax reform.

Everyone is for tax cuts. We can cut taxes by replacing the 35 percent Corporate Tax with a 7 percent VAT which immediately releases $2 trillion in offshore profits for Corporate America to repatriate tax-free and create millions of jobs. The VAT tax cut produces billions to balance the budget in two years rather than 10. 150 countries compete in globalization with a VAT that's rebated on exports. The Corporate tax is not rebated. Canada adopted a VAT in 1991 and has had a surplus ever since. Worst of all, not having a VAT is killing manufacture in the U.S. An entrepreneur can be making a profit but has to pay the 35 percent Corporate Tax and another 17 percent VAT when his exports reach China. A competitor can produce the same product in China, bring it back to the United States tax-free and put the entrepreneur out of business. The economists know all this but insist on borrowing, submitting 10 year plans and are all for tax reform -- that is Christmas for the lobbyists.

Paul Krugman, the Pulitzer economist, keeps calling for infrastructure stimulation. After stimulating the economy $10 trillion in twelve years, we'll stimulate another $642 billion this year to retain government jobs and the economy will still lag. I've come to know and admire economists like Paul Volker but today I feel like Jock the Butcher in Henry VI: "Kill all the economists."

Senator Hollings of South Carolina served 38 years in the United States Senate, and for many years was Chairman of the Commerce, Space, Science & Transportation Committee. He is the author of "Making Government Work" (University of South Carolina Press, 2008). You can learn more about Hollings online at


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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Is the Z10 BlackBerry's savior? Not so fast.

Bad news on Q1 results sends BlackBerry stock tumbling in trading on Friday.?

By Matthew Shaer / June 28, 2013

The BlackBerry Z10.



It was supposed to be a major do-over: a new name (BlackBerry, instead of RIM), a new operating system (BlackBerry 10), and the sleek and stylish new?Z10 handset.

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But in a conference call with investors this week, BlackBerry announced that it had sold only 6.8 million smart phones in the first fiscal quarter of this year, with 2.7 million of that number consisting of BB10 devices. That missed predictions from many analysts, who had predicted BlackBerry might sell a total of 7.5 million smart phones in Q1 (including 3.6 million BB10 units), according to Bloomberg BusinessWeek.?

As a result, BlackBerry stock tumbled on Friday by as much as 26 percent.?

For its part, BlackBerry execs have said the company is only in the "early stages" of a wider roll-out that will take place over the remainder of 2013. But?Kevin C. Tofel of GigaOM, for one, isn't having it.?

"I agree it is early for BlackBerry yet, but I don?t think sales of the new BlackBerry 10 devices are meeting or exceeding expectations," writes?Mr. Tofel. "For one thing, I really anticipated that the loyal BlackBerry fans would be more receptive to the new phones and software. This group should be the company?s bread and butter for sales. I?ll grant that the new devices aren?t yet available in every market, which could be part of the issue."?

The Z10 received largely favorable ? if not quite ecstatic ? reviews when it launched earlier this year, although many critics questioned whether BlackBerry had done enough to attract non-business users.?

"At $199 (which BlackBerry says is the suggested on-contract price in the US), the Z10 and BB10 are a nice piece of kit," wrote Tim Stevens of Engadget. "The BlackBerry faithful who've been waiting patiently for something more modern will flock to this (and its QWERTY-having cousin) in droves, but there simply isn't enough here to woo those consumers who have already made investments in Android or iOS. Too little? Maybe. Too late? Sadly."?

For more tech news, follow us on?Twitter @venturenaut.


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Oil companies turning to submarine technology in fracking

HOUSTON ? A gossamer-thin glass line threaded two miles underground is allowing oilfield engineers to listen to a new kind of music: the sounds of fracking.

Halliburton Co. and competing providers of drilling gear are adapting acoustic spy technology used by U.S. submarines to record sounds made deep in the earth that can guide engineers in finishing a well and predicting how much oil will flow.

The ability to hear inside a well enables producers to fine-tune hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, the process that blasts underground rock with water, sand and chemicals to free trapped oil and natural gas. The technology is targeted at an estimated $31 billion that will be spent this year on fracking stages that yield less-than-optimal results, a majority of the work at 26,100 U.S. wells set to be pressure-pumped in 2013, according to PacWest Consulting Partners.

"We're creating a new science," said Magnus McEwen-King, managing director for OptaSense, a Qinetiq Group lc unit that's one of the fiber-optics pioneers for the energy industry. "From an acoustic perspective, this is very much the start of what I think is going to be a revolutionary technology."

Fracking has helped U.S. oil production reach a 21-year high. Environmental groups have criticized the practice because of concerns it may affect drinking water supplies.

Energy companies are fueling the booming business of so- called distributed fiber-optic lines, where the cord itself is a sensor for sound and temperature throughout its entire length.

The U.S. market for such lines, used across industries from energy to military, will almost double to $1.1 billion by 2016 from an estimated $586 million this year, according to a study published by Information Gatekeepers and revised this month by Light Wave Venture, which helps develop new companies using fiber-optic technology.

The prospect of fine-tuning energy discovery has the world's largest oilfield service providers joining companies with ties to the defense industry including OptaSense and U.S. Seismic Systems Inc., a unit of Acorn Energy Inc., to develop ways to eavesdrop on wells. Royal Dutch Shell, Chevron and Statoil are among customers testing the technology.

"This market is evolving very, very aggressively," said Dave Krohn, a Connecticut-based materials engineer who wrote the market study. "Clearly the driver is oil and gas."

Halliburton, the world's largest provider of fracking services, is working on cataloging the combination of sounds that signal the perfect frack: an explosion, cracking rock, and eventually the gurgle of hydrocarbons seeping into the well bore, said Glenn McColpin, director of reservoir monitoring at Halliburton's Houston-based Pinnacle unit. A bad frack means the rock didn't crack as much as it could have.

When perfected, a computer will convert the sounds to a graph that will show how deeply and thoroughly cracks penetrate the rock surrounding the well, indicating the success of each frack stage. The longer and more numerous the cracks, the more oil and gas will flow.

One fracking stage can cost about $100,000 and a typical well now will have about 15 stages, said Alex Robart, principal at PacWest. The effectiveness of each stage varies wildly. The industry generally subscribes to the 80-20 rule, meaning 80 percent of North American production comes from about 20 percent of the fracking stages, he said.

Finding out immediately which fracks were successful allows a company to repeat the process to improve flow.

"Our whole goal is to make the perfect frack every time," McColpin said. "You're spending millions of dollars pumping millions of gallons of fluid, and if you're only getting a third of the rock, you're getting a third of the production."

A fiber optic line consists of a stainless steel cable encasing one long, thin string of glass that vibrates when struck by sound waves. The sound waves are converted to light pulses reflected through the line, then converted by computer software back into sound that McColpin can monitor from his laptop.

"Bink, bank, boink" is what McColpin hears as a small metal ball rolls down the well bore and lands in a "ball seat" that triggers the rock's first fracture. The fiber line captures the noise of the ball and the reverberating blast of the perforation gun firing into the rock. Computer software converts those sounds into a colored graph on his laptop screen, etching a bright red fever line across a green background.

"Our whole goal is to make the earth transparent," McColpin said. "Now we've got a window into the well to see exactly what's happening."

The oil industry started experimenting with fiber optic lines' temperature-sensing abilities about a decade ago, and five years later started testing it with sounds.

In August 2009 OptaSense traveled to Alberta, Canada, to show off its acoustic fiber-optic line to Shell. Executives from both companies piled into an observation truck parked near the well site to oversee a fracking job while OptaSense's McEwen- King sat in his office back in England monitoring the real-time results on his computer.

As the perforation gun exploded, sound waves traveling along the fiber optic line were transformed into data that lit up his screen with a brightly colored graph illustrating the results.

"You guys just turned the lights on down there!" McEwen- King told his colleagues back in Canada. "The whole well-bore imaged instantaneously," he recalled in an interview earlier this month. Three years later, OptaSense announced an agreement with Shell to provide global frack-monitoring services using the acoustic lines.

Some of the world's largest oil producers are interested in the still-evolving technology, Joseph Elkhoury, general manager of microseismic services at Schlumberger.

"There's always this wide enthusiasm around a new technology," he said. Inevitably, that's followed months or years later by a drop in the adoption curve as customers realize the technology isn't everything they hoped it would be. Once the service companies fix some of the challenges, adoption picks up again, he said.

"We are in the wide-enthusiasm phase of acoustic sensing," Elkhoury said.

One of the biggest challenges for acoustic fiber in the oilfield is making the business case to use it onshore, Robart said. Installing the technology can cost as much as several hundred thousand dollars a well, meaning it doesn't pay off as easily on a $6 million land well as it would on a $50 million offshore well, he said.

To confirm how large a fracture was and where it went, companies still need to use a network of specific sensors called geophones to listen from a nearby monitoring well, measuring subtle earth movements from the rock cracking. Some service companies want to one day ditch these microseismic tools and get the same listening sensitivity from their one fiber optic line, helping bring costs down and becoming more efficient.

U.S. Seismic is using three acoustic fiber-optic lines to listen for sounds in place of traditional geophones. The technology provides a more accurate sense of how far the cracks penetrated the rock and in which direction, said Jim Andersen, chief executive officer of U.S. Seismic.

Contractors ranging from Halliburton to Exiius have begun permanently installing fiber optic lines in U.S. wells. During completion of a just-drilled well, the fiber can listen for subtle noises that suggest sealing the well with cement didn't work properly.

Then the fiber can listen for good and bad fracking stages, and finally it'll be able to confirm if oil and gas is flowing. Eventually they'll be able to actually measure production flow based on sounds, McColpin said. He compares it to a flute: as different holes in the well's casing are open or clogged, the sound pitch of fluids flowing through the well are affected.

Programmers also are working on algorithms to detect the difference in sound for water versus oil flowing into the well from surrounding rock. Then valves for different areas in the well bore could be opened or closed as needed to minimize water incursion, which is a waste.

Scientists also want to beef up the listening capability of the fiber optic line during seismic shoots of the underground rock to capture better reservoir images for future exploration.

Submarines were among the first adopters of acoustic fiber- optic technology in the late 1990s. Some of OptaSense's technology expertise originates from its parent company, Qinetiq, a British defense contractor providing military services ranging from drones to cyber security.

Before moving to U.S. Seismic, Andersen previously ran the group at Litton Industries Inc. that sold about $450 million worth of fiber-optic sensor technology to the U.S. Navy. Northrop Grumman Corp., a maker of surveillance drones, bought Litton in 2001 for about $5 billion.

Outside of oil and gas production, fiber optic lines are being used on pipelines to detect leaks or foul play, for monitoring perimeter security along a property fence line and to measure the stress on infrastructure such as roads and bridges. The rebuilt Interstate 35 bridge in Minneapolis is now packed with 300 fiber-optic sensors after it collapsed in 2007, Krohn said.

One of the biggest challenges for the new technology is figuring out what to do with the mountains of data they're collecting. Halliburton has assembled engineers, scientists and former U.S. space program technicians in a Houston lab to comb through data that pores in fast enough to fill up a DVD every 28 seconds.

So far, companies are afraid to throw anything out, not knowing what might prove to be the crucial puzzle piece later, McColpin said.

"It's untenable," he said. "You can't collect 15 terrabytes a week continuously for 20 years on a well."


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Facebook to pull ads from pages with sex, violence

12 hours ago

Facebook says it will no longer allow ads to appear on pages with sexual or violent content, as the online social network moves to appease marketers being associated with objectionable material.

The announcement on Friday came a month after several businesses pulled their ads from Facebook amid reports of pages on the site that promoted violence against women.

Facebook said at the time that it needed to improve its system for flagging and removing content that violated its community standards, which forbid users from posting content about hate-speech, threats and pornography, among other things.

Ads account for roughly 85 percent of revenue at Facebook, the world's largest social network with 1.1 billion users. Facebook said the changes would not have a meaningful impact on its business.

On Friday, Facebook said it also needed to do more to prevent situations in which ads are displayed alongside material that may not run afoul of its community standards but are deemed controversial nonetheless.

A Facebook page for a business that sells adult products, for example, will no longer feature ads. Previously such a page could feature ads along the right-hand side of the page so long as the page did not violate Facebook's prohibition on depicting nudity.

The move underscores the delicate balance for social media companies, which features a variety of unpredictable and sometimes unsavory content shared by users, but which rely on advertising to underpin their business.

"Our goal is to both preserve the freedoms of sharing on Facebook but also protect people and brands from certain types of content," Facebook said in a post on its website on Friday.

Facebook said that it would expand the scope of pages and groups on its website that should be ad-restricted and promised to remove ads from the flagged areas of the website by the end of the coming week.

Pages and groups that reference violence will also be off limits to ads, the company said. A Facebook spokeswoman noted that the policy would not apply to the pages of news organizations on Facebook.

Facebook said the process of flagging objectionable pages and removing ads would initially be done manually, but that the company will build an automated system to do the job in the coming weeks.

Copyright 2013 Thomson Reuters.


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Detached-eddy simulations and analyses on new vortical flows over a 76/40 double delta wing

Detached-eddy simulations and analyses on new vortical flows over a 76/40 double delta wing [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 28-Jun-2013
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Contact: LI Qin
Science China Press

The double delta wing is a simplified configuration used for studying aircraft aerodynamics. It is composed of a highly-swept delta wing connected in front of the main delta wing with a smaller sweep, reflecting the combination of a leading edge extension and the swept main wing. The aerodynamic performance of such wings, which includes the behavior of the leeside vortical flows at moderate and high angles of attack (AoA) at low speed, is of research interest.

The prominent aerodynamic feature of the delta wing is the dominant leading edge vortex pair on the lee side, particularly over wings with sharp leading edges. For the single delta wing, research techniques can well describe the main vortices in the absence of vortex breakdown, including good prediction of the surface pressure distribution. Because of the appearance of a geometric discontinuity in the double delta wing connecting the strake and the wing, a wing vortex is generated at the discontinuity inducing a nonlinear interaction with the strake vortex. This nonlinear interaction makes it difficult to obtain an accurate prediction of the aerodynamic performance of such a double delta wing. Fujii considered that it would be difficult to obtain reasonable agreement with experimental results even with a large increase in the computational grid.

Based on current work, the understanding of flows past a double delta wing with sharp leading edges is as follows: 1) vortices are the dominant flow feature; 2) the basic vortical system consists of the strake and wing vortices, with secondary or even tertiary vortices; 3) vortex breakdown will occur when the AoA increases beyond a certain angle. The breakdown of the wing vortex occurs prior to that of the strake vortex. Other than the dominant vortices, small-scale structures initially appear at the wing tip at certain AoA, and massively-separated flows emerge. With an increase in the AoA, the region of separation gradually enlarges, and finally the whole upper wing is immersed in the massively separated flow. It is widely accepted that traditional Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) is not appropriate for simulation when massive separation occurs. Direct numerical simulation (DNS) and large eddy simulation (LES) can be used but at high cost. Detached-eddy simulation (DES) or a RANS/LES hybrid method combines the advantages of DNS and LES fitting the needs of engineering development while providing the useful details needed for fundamental research, and are thus considered suitable tools for studying such flow regimes. The applications using this method have been conducted on various aspects of fluid mechanics.

Because of the importance of the vortical flows of the double delta wing, every pattern of vortices needs to be carefully studied by computational and experimental analysis. As mentioned above, DES or RANS/LES serve as efficient ways to study the vortical flow when massively separated flow appears. The 76/40 double delta wing is thought to be important for investigations in which the topology of the vortex-dominated flow field is advantageous for atmospheric flight using vortical flows in air combat for takeoff and landing. In the present work, we use SA-DES to compute the massively separated flows of the 76/40 double delta wing previously studied by Verhaagen. Through computation, we found a new type of cross-flow vortex, which occurs at an AoA starting from 15. The vortex differs from the strake and wing vortex or other vortices in massively separated flows.

By means of physical analysis based on the numerical simulation, we conclude that the vortices are caused by cross-flow instability. Because of the specific features of the double delta wing, the cross-flow is primarily caused by the induction of the leading edge vortices, which differs from the cause of the cross flow over the swept blunt wing.

Using a velocity transformation, we provide the cross-section topology of the cross-flow vortices and information about the singular points on the section. The analysis shows that the speed of movement of the vortex reaches that of free stream. The wave length of the vortex array and the characteristic frequency are also obtained, providing useful information for further experimental investigation.

It is also shown by analysis that the cross-flow vortex can cause a 10-20% deviation of the pressure distribution to the averaged counterpart. It should be noted that the deviation is local and unsteady, which should be considered in the evaluation of the influence of vortices on aerodynamic performance.

Finally we propose a new type of cross-flow vortex that differs from the vortical substructure.


See the article:

LI Qin, SUN Dong, ZHANG HanXin. Detached-eddy simulations and analyses on new vortical flows over a 76/40 double delta wing. SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2013, 56(6): 1062-1073.

Science China Press Co., Ltd. (SCP) is a scientific journal publishing company of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). For 50 years, SCP takes its mission to present to the world the best achievements by Chinese scientists on various fields of natural sciences researches.

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Detached-eddy simulations and analyses on new vortical flows over a 76/40 double delta wing [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 28-Jun-2013
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Contact: LI Qin
Science China Press

The double delta wing is a simplified configuration used for studying aircraft aerodynamics. It is composed of a highly-swept delta wing connected in front of the main delta wing with a smaller sweep, reflecting the combination of a leading edge extension and the swept main wing. The aerodynamic performance of such wings, which includes the behavior of the leeside vortical flows at moderate and high angles of attack (AoA) at low speed, is of research interest.

The prominent aerodynamic feature of the delta wing is the dominant leading edge vortex pair on the lee side, particularly over wings with sharp leading edges. For the single delta wing, research techniques can well describe the main vortices in the absence of vortex breakdown, including good prediction of the surface pressure distribution. Because of the appearance of a geometric discontinuity in the double delta wing connecting the strake and the wing, a wing vortex is generated at the discontinuity inducing a nonlinear interaction with the strake vortex. This nonlinear interaction makes it difficult to obtain an accurate prediction of the aerodynamic performance of such a double delta wing. Fujii considered that it would be difficult to obtain reasonable agreement with experimental results even with a large increase in the computational grid.

Based on current work, the understanding of flows past a double delta wing with sharp leading edges is as follows: 1) vortices are the dominant flow feature; 2) the basic vortical system consists of the strake and wing vortices, with secondary or even tertiary vortices; 3) vortex breakdown will occur when the AoA increases beyond a certain angle. The breakdown of the wing vortex occurs prior to that of the strake vortex. Other than the dominant vortices, small-scale structures initially appear at the wing tip at certain AoA, and massively-separated flows emerge. With an increase in the AoA, the region of separation gradually enlarges, and finally the whole upper wing is immersed in the massively separated flow. It is widely accepted that traditional Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) is not appropriate for simulation when massive separation occurs. Direct numerical simulation (DNS) and large eddy simulation (LES) can be used but at high cost. Detached-eddy simulation (DES) or a RANS/LES hybrid method combines the advantages of DNS and LES fitting the needs of engineering development while providing the useful details needed for fundamental research, and are thus considered suitable tools for studying such flow regimes. The applications using this method have been conducted on various aspects of fluid mechanics.

Because of the importance of the vortical flows of the double delta wing, every pattern of vortices needs to be carefully studied by computational and experimental analysis. As mentioned above, DES or RANS/LES serve as efficient ways to study the vortical flow when massively separated flow appears. The 76/40 double delta wing is thought to be important for investigations in which the topology of the vortex-dominated flow field is advantageous for atmospheric flight using vortical flows in air combat for takeoff and landing. In the present work, we use SA-DES to compute the massively separated flows of the 76/40 double delta wing previously studied by Verhaagen. Through computation, we found a new type of cross-flow vortex, which occurs at an AoA starting from 15. The vortex differs from the strake and wing vortex or other vortices in massively separated flows.

By means of physical analysis based on the numerical simulation, we conclude that the vortices are caused by cross-flow instability. Because of the specific features of the double delta wing, the cross-flow is primarily caused by the induction of the leading edge vortices, which differs from the cause of the cross flow over the swept blunt wing.

Using a velocity transformation, we provide the cross-section topology of the cross-flow vortices and information about the singular points on the section. The analysis shows that the speed of movement of the vortex reaches that of free stream. The wave length of the vortex array and the characteristic frequency are also obtained, providing useful information for further experimental investigation.

It is also shown by analysis that the cross-flow vortex can cause a 10-20% deviation of the pressure distribution to the averaged counterpart. It should be noted that the deviation is local and unsteady, which should be considered in the evaluation of the influence of vortices on aerodynamic performance.

Finally we propose a new type of cross-flow vortex that differs from the vortical substructure.


See the article:

LI Qin, SUN Dong, ZHANG HanXin. Detached-eddy simulations and analyses on new vortical flows over a 76/40 double delta wing. SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2013, 56(6): 1062-1073.

Science China Press Co., Ltd. (SCP) is a scientific journal publishing company of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). For 50 years, SCP takes its mission to present to the world the best achievements by Chinese scientists on various fields of natural sciences researches.

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The ultimate video game: teams compete in DARPA Robotics Challenge

Teams from eight countries competed in the first round of the challenge to develop a disaster response robot.

By Elizabeth Barber,?Contributor / June 28, 2013

DARPA Virtual Robotic Challenge (VRC) tasks included guiding the robot over different terrain, including uneven ground.

DARPA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory


This is the ultimate video game.

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Except in this game, turning on a garden hose is an enormously difficult task, requiring huge teams of scientists and?decades of acquired technology.

About twenty-six teams from eight countries competed on June 17-21 in The Virtual Robotics Challenge, the first round of the DARPA Robotics Challenge, using complex software to direct virtual robots in a cloud-based simulator that looks like a 3-D video game.

The overall challenge for the teams is to develop software that can operate a DARPA-supplied humanoid robot across a low-bandwidth network, which is expected to be the only type of network available to first responders in a disaster scenario.

This first round was a software competition in which teams used software of their own design to have a simulated ATLAS robot navigate a simulated disaster zone that looked something like suburbia gone wrong. For three days, competitors stared into computer screens in their respective far-flung labs and offices, instructing their virtual robots to complete a series of challenges, including driving a vehicle and walking over uneven ground. Robots also had to pick up a hose, connect it to a spigot and turn it on.

?The disaster response scenario is technically very challenging,? said Russ Tedrake, a professor at MIT?s Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. ?It requires the robot and human operator to simultaneously perceive and gain an understanding for a complex, new environment, and then use that information to perform difficult manipulation tasks and traverse complex terrains.?

That means that the virtual robot must feed its raw sensor data back to its operating team, which then, with the help of the robot, must interpret its surroundings and enter instructions about where to move or how to manipulate objects. The team then continuously asks the robot to share its plan, adjusting their requests and their suggestions until the robot provides a correct answer, at which point the robot is allowed to go on autonomously.

The top nine teams?received?funding and an ATLAS robot to compete in the DARPA Robotics Challenge Trials in December 2013. The trials are the second of three DARPA challenge events and will be the first time that the physical robots will compete.?

The overall winner of the first round was The Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition, a team of some 22 researchers.?

?Getting in the car and driving was our biggest challenge,? said research scientist Jerry Pratt, the Florida Institute?s team leader. ?Walking ? we had that nailed.??

Other winners included Worcester Polytechnic Institute, MIT, and TRACLabs. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which was also among the winning teams, donated its awarded funds to three runner-up teams that DARPA had not originally selected ? it had chosen six teams ? putting the total to nine teams that will compete in the second round.


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Friday, June 28, 2013

Guide To Writing New Adult Bestseller | Scribbles and Tunes

New genres in writing appear on the horizon every once in a while, shining and blazing like a car on that same horizon does if made completely out of magnesium and set afire by a carelessly dropped cigar, a lit oxyacetylene torch, or several tons of spontaneously combusting fireflies. They light up the sky. They warm us. They provide an excellent venue for roasting marshmallows (if one is fond of smores).

One of the latest genres to storm the bastille of the Amazon is New Adult. Don?t let the title confuse you if you are fond of the Old Adult genre. Or even the Middle-Aged Adult genre. Or the Recycled Adult genre (a favorite among the thrift-store aficionados of Portland, Oregon, as well as those deriving income from the waste-hauling segment of our economy [ie., the mafia]).

New Adult, according to those who know, is defined by several parameters. First, the main character is generally between the age of 18 and 26, which means they?ve acquired the ability to vote, move out of the house, become self-sufficient, and continue to be insured under their parents health insurance plan. Also, New Adult typically deals with such heart-warming themes as sexuality, race, alcohol abuse, sex, drug abuse, more sex, bullying, sex, empowerment (of bullies?), familial struggles, taut abdominal muscles, sex, loss of innocence, fear of failure, Alec Baldwin, and? wait for it, wait for it?sex.

Doubtlessly, you, the budding, panting writer, desperate to break into the top 100 hundred on Amazon, are befuddled and bemused by the complexity of this new genre. Your heart quails within you, sort of like a quail (the bird, not the verb) as it scuttles across the ground in search of delicious bugs, or in frantic flight from the fox of failure.

Fear not. I shall carefully outline how you can write a best-selling New Adult blockbuster. All it takes is five easy steps and you?re home free to massive royalties and lolling about in the Ibizan sun, slathered in sunscreen (please note that excessive tanning without proper sunscreen [ie., living in a dark cave one mile down] can cause skin cancer).


1.?The Female Between the Age of 18 and 26

All New Adult bestsellers must have an amazingly beautiful female protagonist. She must coyly think she is not that good-looking, even though, in reality, a blind octogenarian mole on the planet Neptune would be able to recognize her stunning beauty from several hundred thousand miles away. Most importantly, though, is that she must have an awesome name like Callie or Sydney or Bailey or Lacey or Lexi.

2. The Male Between the Age of 18 and 26

New Adult Bestsellers must also have an incredibly handsome male protagonist. Now, this next point about the protagonist is a bit difficult for some writers to understand, but I?ll type slowly in order to facilitate comprehension: he must be between the ages of 18 and 26! A lot of new New Adult writers have difficulty with this aspect, but, take it from me: it?s true. In my writing workshops, I notice a lot of writers will make their male protagonist 74 years old or 62 or even 81. I know it?s hard to believe, but these ages won?t work. Trust me. Also, he must possess a smoldering glance, a casually elegant way of wearing clothing (faded, ripped jeans, suitably unbuttoned shirts, alligator boots, etc), and a crooked smile that reveals excellent dental hygiene and evidence of straight teeth (either from braces or good genes). You get extra literary points if he owns a motorcycle that he drives with reckless abandon. Again, most importantly, he must have an incredibly cool name such as Callum or Drake or Brennan or Devon or even Reid. His name must be so cool that readers will be astounded and think, ?Why didn?t my lame parents name me that? My life would?ve been so awesome if my name was Drake. People would say to me, while walking down the street, hey Drake! And I would say, hey.?

3. Her Taut Abs

It is imperative that she have perfectly sculpted taut abs! I cannot stress this point enough. It breaks my heart, but I see many young New Adult writers, venturing timidly into the field for the first time, who neglect to work into their plots her taut abs. Their immaturity as writers blinded them to this important component of plot structure. New Adult plot development simply does not work without her taut abs. When I speak at writing workshops, I frequently give a lecture titled Taut Abs and You: Why Abdominal Muscles are Key to a Professional Writing Career. These lectures, always packed, have proven the salvation of many a writing career. My main point in this lecture is abdominal muscles and Jillian Michaels: you must model her abdominals on Jillian Michaels? abdominals or your writing career is over.

4. His Taut Abs

Equally important are the taut abs of your male protagonist. They must be sculpted with more care than Michelangelo?s work on David. In fact, you must mentally sneer at the inferior abdominals of M?s David. You must scoff and then determine to do him better with your Drake or Drew or whatever amazingly cool name he has.

5. Hot Sex Sans Complications

I can?t tell you how many times immature New Adult writers have called me up (I?m available to do phone consultation at $200 per half hour, payable in advance), weeping hysterically on the phone, unable to spit out even a single, intelligible word. When I calm them down (usually after half an hour, billable), they confess that they wrote sex scenes that ended up with unwanted pregnancies, various STDs, etc. This sort of thing is what you cannot have, despite the fact that sexually transmitted diseases float around in the cesspool of our culture like water lilies on the surface of the Florida Everglades (except that water lilies aren?t all that harmful, though, there are alligators lurking underneath, which might work well for our metaphor). Sex in the New Adult genre must be without complications of any kind. Take a page from the rabbits of the fields (minus their propensity to breed like, well, like rabbits, as well as their odd habit of occasionally eating their young). Do NOT give your protagonists the HPV virus!

And there you have it. With those five hot tips, you are ready to write your New Adult blockbuster without fear of failure. Get ready to pay the IRS huge quarterlies, because you are about to become rich. There is no need to thank me, though, because I would happily supply this information, free of charge, to anyone.


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Clashes as Egypt leader's backers, foes rally

CAIRO (AP) ? The health department says one person has died and at least 85 others were injured in clashes between supporters and opponents of Egypt's President Mohamed Morsi in the Mediterranean city of Alexandria.

Thousands of anti-Morsi protesters marched toward the Muslim Brotherhood headquarters Friday, where up to a 1,000 supporters of the president's political group were deployed. Fighting erupted when someone on the Islamist side fired birdshots on the marchers, according to an Associated Press cameraman at the scene. Later, opposition protesters broke into the headquarters and torched it.

The health department reported one death in the fighting, without elaborating. It was not immediately known which side the victim belonged to.

Backers and opponents of Egypt's Islamist president held competing rallies Friday ahead of massive protests planned Sunday demanding Morsi's removal.


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Pa. transplant recipient still on breathing tube

PHILADELPHIA (AP) ? The mother of a 10-year-old Pennsylvania girl recovering after a double lung transplant says doctors tried to remove her breathing tube but were forced to reinsert it.

Janet Murnaghan (MUR'-nuh-han) says in a statement provided by a spokeswoman that her daughter, Sarah, "could not handle the reduced support" after the tube was removed Wednesday. She called the day "excruciating" and said it was "impossibly painful" watching her daughter struggle to breathe, so the girl was ultimately sedated and re-intubated.

Janet Murnaghan says doctors have assured the family that the day's events don't change Sarah's long-term prospects but just mean "she needs more time to regain her strength."

Sarah, who lives in Newtown Square, a Philadelphia suburb, suffers from severe cystic fibrosis. She underwent the transplant after a national debate over the organ allocation process.


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Foursquare checks into Windows 8 with its first native tablet app

For Windows 8 tablet users, becoming the mayor of your favorite fro-yo place (everybody's gotta have a dream) is about get easier. Just a few weeks after announcing a tablet UI customized for Android, Foursquare took to the stage at Build today to announce its first native tablet app, designed specifically for Windows 8. While an app for Windows Phone 8 already exists, tablet users had been left in the cold without software optimized for their devices. So far, Foursquare hasn't specified an exact release date for the app, but we'll keep you posted as we learn more.

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Via: The Next Web


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Investigator: No sign progressives mistreated

WASHINGTON (AP) ? A Treasury Department inspector general says he has no evidence that progressive groups seeking tax-exempt status got tough treatment from the Internal Revenue Service.

In a letter obtained by The Associated Press, J. Russell George says that while the term "Progressives" appeared on a list IRS screeners used to look for groups with potential problems, he has no indication that agency workers set aside applications from progressives for tough scrutiny.

Democrats have complained that a report George released last month revealing IRS mistreatment of tea party groups unfairly omitted mention of progressives.


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How a Fridge Full of Beer That Only Unlocks for Candians Gets Made

As part of a recent ad campaign, Canadian beer company Molson Candian took a fridge full of its special adult beverage all around Europe to share with the thirsty masses. But there was a catch?the only way to unlock the boozy treasure was by scanning a Canadian passport. And though you may have already seen the commercial itself making the rounds these past few days, chances are you haven't seen what's actually the coolest part of the whole campaign?how a Canuck-specific cooler gets made.

The video gives you a look into the fridge's entire construction; you get to see everything from the shiny red paint job to the passport scanner's wiring process. Of course, the latter is likely going to raise a few red flags for the more privacy-wary poutine enthusiasts, but it seems everyone in the commercial eventually found someone willing to swipe their Canadian passport. Because fortunately for Europe's native population, the one nationality they needed is the just aboot the nicest around. [Design Taxi]


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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Family holds wake for James Gandolfini |


Reuters Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images Reuters Reuters Reuters Reuters

A mourner wipes her eyes on the porch as she attends the wake of actor James Gandolfini at a funeral home in Park Ridge, New Jersey

Friends and family gather for the late actor.

Friends and family gather for the late actor.

The Robert Spearing Funeral Home was blocked off to only those close to Gandolfini for the first part of the day.

Flowers are pictured on the ground outside as family members gather for the wake of actor James Gandolfini.

Mourners gather on the porch as they attend the wake of actor James Gandolfini at a funeral home in Park Ridge, New Jersey.

Mourners gather on the porch as they attend the wake of actor James Gandolfini at a funeral home in Park Ridge, New Jersey.

Mourners arrive for the wake of actor James Gandolfini at a funeral home in Park Ridge, New Jersey.

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Tomorrow, thousands of people, celebrities to average fans, are expected at the public funeral for James Gandolfini at The Cathedral Church of St John the Divine in Manhattan.

But today, the family of the Park Ridge-bred actor held a wake in his hometown that drew primarily close family and friends, many of whom knew Gandolfini before he became famous.

During the first hour, designated for the immediate family, a large black van was moved to diagonally block off one part of the driveway, to shield those arriving from view of the public and media gathered outside the Robert Spearing Funeral Home in Park Ridge.

Men in black suits provided further protection, using opened black umbrellas to escort the mourners to the front door.

This was so effective that most of the photographers set up on the street outside the home did not get a clear shot of the arrivals of Gandolfini's ex-wife, Marcy Wudarski; their 13-year-old son, Michael; his widow, Deborah Lin; or their 8-month-old daughter, Liliana.

Some 18 police officers from the borough Police Department, the reserves and the Bergen County Police Department were dispatched to keep order, said Captain Joseph Rampolla of the Park Ridge police.

For the most part, the media and the public respected the boundaries, Rampolla said.

Among the few guests departing the funeral home who spoke to reporters outside were friends Dan Katz of West Orange, New Jersey, and Gloria Lowell of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

As they left the wake around 6:15pm, they described the mood inside - where the coffin was closed - as subdued. The crowd, they said, was all friends and family, with no "Sopranos" cast members or other celebrities present, at least up to that point.

The modest actor, Katz said, "would probably be incredulous at the fuss being made over him in death. ... He would be laughing at the flag (at the state government buildings) flying half-staff. He was a very private person. He didn't like the limelight."

Bob Sottolano, from Westwood, New Jersey, a friend of James' sister Leta Gandolfini, also spoke briefly to reporters on his way out of the wake.

"It's like a roller coaster. The emotions are flying, like when anyone dies suddenly," Sottolano said, adding that with Gandolfini's son Michael, "All I can do to a kid that (young) is shake his hand and pat him on the back."

The traffic cones and a road closed sign that blocked off Berthoud Street at one end of the home's driveway caused a little rubbernecking. Occasionally, people snapped photos as they drove by. One man beeped his horn and shouted, "Goodbye, Tony," as he passed.

Across the street, people gathered at tables in front of the as-yet-unopened Dairy Queen hoping to catch the procession.

"I'm retired. It wasn't out of my way," said Pat Murphy of Pearl River, New York, who arrived around 2pm. "I wanted to see what was happening."

The Tangelosi family from Garfield, New Jersey, had been staked out inside their air-conditioned Kia in the Burger King parking lot across the street, hoping for some celebrity sightings. "Maybe I'll see Robert De Niro," Angie Tangelosi said.

Across the road, in a little strip mall, Paul Herdemian, a guy who bears such a striking resemblance to Gandolfini that his friends "bust" him about it, sat behind the counter of his store, The Jeweler's Workbench, which created the faux bling worn by the gaudy mobsters and mobster wives on "The Sopranos." In a glass case on the counter, you can see Paulie Walnuts' black onyx ring, Carmela's sapphire earrings, and a synthetic ruby ring worn by Gandolfini, whose photo with Herdemian is in a frame on the counter.

"(The Sopranos) was a great thing for this area," Herdemian said.

So was Gandolfini, whose funeral will no doubt reflect his star status. But on Wednesday, his hometown wake was intentionally small - probably the closest thing to a regular-guy send-off Gandolfini could have ever asked for.



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2 new leads are tapped for Broadway's 'Annie'

In this undated publicity image, actress Taylor Richardson poses for a photo. Richardson and fellow actress Sadie Sink will share the title role in "Annie," the stage?s most famous redhead beginning July 30. They replace Lilla Crawford, whose last performance will be on July 28. (AP Photo/Boneau/Bryan-Brown)

In this undated publicity image, actress Taylor Richardson poses for a photo. Richardson and fellow actress Sadie Sink will share the title role in "Annie," the stage?s most famous redhead beginning July 30. They replace Lilla Crawford, whose last performance will be on July 28. (AP Photo/Boneau/Bryan-Brown)

In this undated publicity image, actress Sadie Sink poses for a photo. Sink and fellow actress Taylor Richardson will share the title role in "Annie," the stage?s most famous redhead beginning July 30. They replace Lilla Crawford, whose last performance will be on July 28. (AP Photo/Boneau/Bryan-Brown)

(AP) ? Two 11-year-old actresses who have played orphans and been understudies in the Broadway revival of "Annie" have been picked to permanently take over from Lilla Crawford in the title role, a step up that has left them beaming.

Taylor Richardson and Sadie Sink, both natural redheads, will share the role of the stage's most famous redhead beginning July 30. Crawford's last performance is July 28.

Taylor, an actress from Richmond, Va., and Sadie, originally from Houston, have both understudied the role of Annie, and both have gone on as the orphan Duffy. "Annie" is their Broadway debuts.

Associated Press


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Gas-giant exoplanets cling close to their parent stars

June 27, 2013 ? Gemini Observatory's Planet-Finding Campaign finds that, around many types of stars, distant gas-giant planets are rare and prefer to cling close to their parent stars. The impact on theories of planetary formation could be significant.

Finding extrasolar planets has become so commonplace that it seems astronomers merely have to look up and another world is discovered. However, results from Gemini Observatory's recently completed Planet-Finding Campaign -- the deepest, most extensive direct imaging survey to date -- show the vast outlying orbital space around many types of stars is largely devoid of gas-giant planets, which apparently tend to dwell close to their parent stars.

"It seems that gas-giant exoplanets are like clinging offspring," says Michael Liu of the University of Hawaii's Institute for Astronomy and leader of the Gemini Planet-Finding Campaign. "Most tend to shun orbital zones far from their parents. In our search, we could have found gas giants beyond orbital distances corresponding to Uranus and Neptune in our own Solar System, but we didn't find any." The Campaign was conducted at the Gemini South telescope in Chile, with funding support for the team from the National Science Foundation and NASA. The Campaign's results, Liu says, will help scientists better understand how gas-giant planets form, as the orbital distances of planets are a key signature that astronomers use to test exoplanet formation theories.

Eric Nielsen of the University of Hawaii, who leads a new paper about the Campaign's search for planets around stars more massive than the Sun, adds that the findings have implications beyond the specific stars imaged by the team. "The two largest planets in our Solar System, Jupiter and Saturn, are huddled close to our Sun, within 10 times the distance between the Earth and Sun," he points out. "We found that this lack of gas-giant planets in more distant orbits is typical for nearby stars over a wide range of masses."

Two additional papers from the Campaign will be published soon and reveal similar tendencies around other classes of stars. However, not all gas-giant exoplanets snuggle so close to home. In 2008, astronomers using the Gemini North telescope and W.M. Keck Observatory on Hawaii's Mauna Kea took the first-ever direct images of a family of planets around the star HR 8799, finding gas-giant planets at large orbital separations (about 25-70 times the Earth-Sun distance). This discovery came after examining only a few stars, suggesting such large-separation gas giants could be common. The latest Gemini results, from a much more extensive imaging search, show that gas-giant planets at such distances are in fact uncommon.

Liu sums up the situation this way: "We've known for nearly 20 years that gas-giant planets exist around other stars, at least orbiting close-in. Thanks to leaps in direct imaging methods, we can now learn how far away planets can typically reside. The answer is that they usually avoid significant areas of real estate around their host stars. The early findings, like HR 8799, probably skewed our perceptions."

The team's second new paper explores systems where dust disks around young stars show holes, which astronomers have long suspected are cleared by the gravitational force of orbiting planets. "It makes sense that where you see debris cleared away that a planet would be responsible, but we did not know what types of planets might be causing this. It appears that instead of massive planets, smaller planets that we can't detect directly could be responsible," said Zahed Wahhaj of the European Southern Observatory and lead author on the survey's paper on dusty disk stars. Finally, the third new paper from the team looks at the very youngest stars close to Earth. "A younger system should have brighter, easier to detect planets," according to the lead author Beth Biller of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy.

"Around other stars, NASA's Kepler telescope has shown that planets larger than the Earth and within the orbit of Mercury are plentiful," explains Biller. "The NICI Campaign demonstrates that gas-giant planets beyond the distance of the orbit of Neptune are rare." The soon-to-be-delivered Gemini Planet Imager will begin to bridge this gap likely revealing, for the first time, how common giant planets are in orbits similar to the gas-giant planets of our own Solar System.

The observations for the Campaign were obtained with the Gemini instrument known as NICI, the Near-Infrared Coronagraphic Imager, which was the first instrument for an 8-10 meter-class telescope designed specifically for finding faint companions around bright stars. NICI was built by Doug Toomey (Mauna Kea Infrared), Christ Ftaclas, and Mark Chun (University of Hawai'i), with funding from NASA.

The first two papers from the Campaign have been accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal (Nielsen et al. and Wahhaj et al.), and the third paper (Biller et al.) will be published later this summer.

The NICI Campaign team is composed of PI Michael Liu, co-PI Mark Chun (University of Hawaii), co-PI Laird Close (University of Arizona), Doug Toomey (Mauna Kea Infrared), Christ Ftaclas (University of Hawaii), Zahed Wahhaj (European Southern Observatory), Beth Biller (Max Planck Institute for Astronomy), Eric Nielsen (University of Hawaii), Evgenya Shkolnik (DTM, Carnegie Institution of Washington), Adam Burrows (Princeton University), Neill Reid (Space Telescope Science Institute), Niranjan Thatte, Matthias Tecza, Fraser Clarke (University of Oxford), Jane Gregorio Hetem, Elisabete De Gouveia Dal Pino (University of Sao Paolo), Silvia Alencar (University of Minas Gerais), Pawel Artymowicz (University of Toronto), Doug Lin (University of California Santa Cruz), Shigeru Ida (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Alan Boss (DTM, Carnegie Institution of Washington), and Mark Kuchner (NASA Goddard), Tom Hayward and Markus Hartung (Gemini Observatory), Jared Males, and Andy Skemer (University of Arizona).


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