Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Mother-in-law diagnosed with lung cancer with brain mets.!!!! Told ...

Mother-in-law diagnosed with lung cancer with brain mets.!!!! Told only 9 months to live!!!?

Posted by admin on June 15th, 2011

Mother-in-law diagnosed with lung cancer with brain mets.!!!! Told only 9 months to live!!!?

Posted by bmac
What did the doctors say? And does she want to spend the rest of her time terribly sick from a treatment that won?t help her. If it?s metastasized to her brain, you know what that means.

Just be there for her and help her to be as comfortable as she can be.

Posted by smartypants909
The treatment at this point would be worse than the disease. There is both radiation and chemotherapy. My father died this past July of lung cancer. He opted for no treatment and lived for 18 months after being told he only had 6 months. It was a long and horrible death. He died at home on Hospice care. All you can do is keep her as comfortable as possible and accept as much help as people offer.

Posted by Brandy T
If she?s going to Sloan Kettering, from what I have heard of the place, she is getting probably the best possible treatment in the country?there are a few other specialty places for cancer in the country ? including Anderson in Houston?but like I said, Sloan Kettering is like the best of the best. I think at this point, it?s probably more important to make her as comfortable as possible rather than subject her to torturous treatment. And don?t exclude her from any decisions/discussions regarding her treatment.

Posted by Scpwnz
is it me or does someone sound excited about this?

Posted by Bruce
You can try this, I knew 3 different people with 3 different cancers, they are still alive and donot have any cancer at this time and they all took the same thing. they were all adults and taking emu oil gel caps, but I would recommend that the little one takes emu oil liquid, maybe 3 teaspoons a day 7 days a week, with her doctors permission. The good thing about emu oil its a natural product that doesn?t have any side effects and it kills cancer cells. Its expensive,but what is a life worth. Best of luck

Yes, I am a nurse but I am at a loss on this one. We just lost my mother, April 9th, 2006, when I was pregnant for our now 5 month old little girl to the same dreaded disease. We have gone 5.5 hours one way to Sloan Kettering Cancer Center just to be told there is nothing we can do except treat her symptoms as they approach. She has 23 spots on her lungs and 7 in her brain. She is still functioning normally with headaches all the time. I feel awful because I asked a question about her earlier (see my profile) and now find out that the way she is acting may not be her fault. She is a wonderfully nice person and deserves every chance we can give her. We are on our way to Syracuse on the 25th. I have started taking our daughter to daycare so I can overtake her job doing the complete body shop office work and I make it my job to make appointments for her and to go with her so she understands. See she has only a 8th grade education. Has anyone heard of treatment for this?

Hi,I did the following:

Living With Brain Mets ? Male Model ? Primary Cancers
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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