Sunday, December 4, 2011

Iowa Republican Voters Still Mixed One Month Away from Caucus (ContributorNetwork)

The Iowa Caucus is only a month away, and I still don't know who I'll be voting for. I asked a few of my Republican friends (and loyal caucus attendees) who they like, don't like and why. The responses were interesting. It seems it could be any candidate's caucus.

"Newt [Gingrich] is my number one guy as his leadership follows his words. He is not afraid to do what needs to be done. And at this point he has nothing to lose. Rick Santorum is my number two guy as he is a solid fiscal and social conservative. Perhaps the two will complement each other well as a team... one older with Washington savvy and [Ronald] Reagan experience and the other younger from a swing state with an outstanding record on social issues. I cannot in any way support Mitt Romney even if he is the nominee. He will go to great lengths just to get elected and has the most unprofessional staff. I would also add that I cannot support Michelle Bachman. Anyone who exploits their Christianity for political gain is so fake. Sorry. Bringing the biggest, newest Bible and reading out of it at church was so not real. Plus, I feel strongly about her staff always wanting to quit working for her...What does that say about her? I probably will not support Herman Cain but I must admit that he is the only one that could call Obama out without making things turn into a race issue (as far as the media is concerned)." -- Emma Rittgers, stay-at-home Mom, Des Moines

"I like Rick Santorum. He's a solid fiscal, social and national security conservative. I'm not a fan of Ron Paul, Herman Cain or Mitt Romney." -- Shane Vander Hart, youth worker, communications director and blogger, Pleasant Hill

"I'm a Ron Paul fan, have been for quite a number of years. He is strict constitution and pro-life all the way. His views have not been changed by years in the House and he stands on them even in his medical practice. They never even took Medicare money. [They] just treated the [patients] and figured it would balance out in the end. And it has. I still have Santorum as a fall-back number two [choice]. [I] have watched him for many years in the Senate. If Romney or some other RINO (Republican in Name Only) gets the nomination, then I will probably go Constitution Party again as I have four out of the last five elections. I voted for George W. [Bush] once. It doesn't bother us to vote for any party affiliation as long as the person has integrity and is responsive to their electorate. And I don't mean form letters! [I] haven't considered the other candidates for any great amount of time, about as long as it took to read their position papers." -- Elizabeth Winkelman, farm wife and homeschooler, Lohrville

"I like Herman Cain. I supported him back in the Ames Straw Poll and still like him to this day. I think it is terrible what the media is saying about him. As soon as he started gaining in the polls, they started attacking him. I plan on supporting Herman Cain at my caucus... I just hope he stays in the race for the next month." -- T. Bolton, grocery manager, Ames

"I like [Romney]. I volunteered on his campaign back in 2008 and I like what he stands for. I will, once again, be supporting Mitt Romney in the 2012 Iowa Caucus." -- Mary Smithson, retired, Waukee

"The only one I know who isn't feeding us a line of dodo is Michelle Bachmann!" -- Terry Waterland, retired, Melcher-Dallas

"I haven't made up my mind. There are still too many people and too many issues for me to sort through. One of those quantities needs to go down before I'll firmly commit. Ask me again after caucuses." -- Julia McGuire, homeschooler and blogger, West Des Moines


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