Wednesday, April 4, 2012

We're Expecting! This Ain't an April Fools Joke. #foster #adopt


We?re Expecting!

All with no nausea, no cravings, no back pain, no huge boobs, no zits, no furry face, no (additional) stretch marks, and no weight gain. I can still sleep on my stomach and I don?t have to worry about heartburn after drinking a sip of water. Oh and no horse pills?aka prenatals.

But the BEST part?


In fact, after six long months of training, classes, health inspections, fire inspections, TB tests, interviews, background checks, fingerprints, a four hour home study, and a panel discussion we finally signed over our privacy and became officially licensed foster/adopt parents-to-be.

Which basically means that I now feel like I have to keep my home perfectly clean and we all know how impossible that is with a seven, eight, and nine-year-old boy living at home already. You know, like my youngest who got the bright idea one day to wipe his bum by scooting down the carpeted stairs. That may have happened over a year ago, but I remember it like it was today. I also remember the one time my oldest hosed down my kitchen and dining room with a garden hose. Let?s put it this way: I think I have more patience than I give myself credit for. Which is why the horror stories they told us in our foster/adopt classes didn?t scare my husband and me away. Sometimes they made us laugh. Almost like that time I laughed when I was in full blown labor with my firstborn.

So WHY have we chosen to foster and adopt children in the state system?

Three reasons. 1.) We feel called by God to care for these children and bring them into our home and family. I can get into more detail about how we feel called, but I?ll save that for another post. 2.) I feel especially called to undertake this challenge having gone through similar circumstances as children in the foster care system go through and not only survived but broke the cycle of abuse: I moved several times and lived with several families as a teenager, I dealt with a myriad of emotions as a result, all because life at home was not the most ideal which you can read in my book, Screwed Up: My Life. 3.) We?ve always wanted a girl, the odds are stacked against me in ever getting one naturally, and we have always entertained the idea of adoption even before we were married. A perfect fit.

I can?t believe we are finally here. Literally, we are in the waiting game. We don?t know if we?ll get a call today, tomorrow or five weeks down the road, but the anticipation is really testing my nerves. All last week and over the weekend I nested. I think we are as ready as we can be at this point and I can?t wait to share our journey with you. Or at least the parts I?m allowed to share.

Also, I realize that not every person who reads this post will be excited for us?I?ve been lurking on several fostering blogs and you?d be amazed at the hateful comments these bloggers receive. But that?s okay, after all the dolphin folks are still pissed off at me and my Anonymous Friend. So bring it on.

jodie fisher zooey deschanel yvette prieto hypertrophic cardiomyopathy kaye stevens michael jordan engaged kid cudi

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