Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Cure overeating disorder among American people

An unconfirmed report in America suggests that every second Americans these days are suffering from acute overeating disorder. In other words, those fellow Americans who found themselves prey to this over eating disorder problems, simply can?t resist themselves from eating too much. This is the stage in their life when this eating disorder or Compulsive Eating Disorder patients never ever feels satisfied with whatever they are eating. They go on and on with this eating habits as they feel inner satisfaction fulfilled while eating limitless foods. This over eating disorder or Compulsive Eating Disorder is also called Binge Disorder where these types of patients would need a continuous supply of food stuffs to satisfy their needs. This is like an addiction or a food addiction which these American can?t resist or get tempted to.

Unless and until they get these desired food stuffs after a fixed or irregular food interval they would look for them all the time here and there. Here lie all the problems. As everything when consumed beyond necessity would give a negative repucation on physical and mental state, one day or other, so do these overeating disorder does. This over eating disorder can easily pave the way for all kinds of health related diseases which includes diabetes, kidney diseases, heart-attack high blood pressure with cholesterol, stroke, arthritis and bone deterioration. So, for these patients cure overeating disorder is the only medication left for which are helpful to bail them out from this problem these patients require the support from their families, friends and relatives.


Once this over eating disorder is being successfully diagnosed by various American binge overeating disorder syndromes by various doctor?s operating in different US rehabs, the next step would be cure overeating disorder.

The following are the some of the steps to cure overeating disorder useful for these eating disorder patients of America. These are as follows:


  • The first step required for cure overeating disorder is to work with the dietician and make a chart of all those food stuffs consumed by these eating disorder patients. Monitor the behavioral change of these over eating disorder patients when their desired food stuffs are present infront of them. Make a note that when and how much quantity of foods these overeating disorder patients consumed in a particular day. Monitor these habits of these patients, their desire, their atmosphere and all those tiny things which inspires them to eat more for a certain period of time say a week or two,


  • Secondly, once the whole monitoring program is complete then comes the cure overeating disorder programs. After consulting with various food dieticians from the various leading US hospitals, chalk out a diet chart for these over eating disorder patients as if how much and at what quantity of these nutrients would be supplied per day to overcome the problem. Added with care and attention cure overeating disorder problem can be easily be eradicated;


  • Thirdly, lame alterations in the fooding habits. Any excessive and untimely consumption of food stuffs should be banned totally. No food stuffs should be allowed to be consumed after dinner and also their should be an equal time distribution among two meals. Those food stuffs which increase weight like fast foods, pizzas, pastries, chocolates must be stopped and must be substituted with healthier fruits and fresh vegetables. Also the consumption of these food stuffs must be limited as per the dietician recommendations, helpful for desired results;


  • Another best way of cure overeating disorder problem is to make your mind get diverted to any other activities when hunger strikes. In other words, when these Americans suffering from Binge over eating disorder problems feel sad and depressed they move towards overeating. So, to pull back this eating disorder, it is necessary to divert the mind towards different activities to make one happy. Shopping, exercising, reading, bowling are some of the alternative means to enjoy these replacement activities;


  • Cure overeating disorder must be carried on through a systematical treatment procedure. These procedures are being done in various overeating disorder rehabs situated all over America. One has to make sure to get the fees structure, and also look for support stuffs, beds, sanitation, environment related issues. If all these parameters match then these eating disorder patients must be cured in these rehabs to avoid any more serious complications and that too without delay.

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