Monday, September 10, 2012

Fish Oil for Asthma Treatment | Health and Fitness

Is your loved one coughing incessantly, having breathing difficulties and could be or is suffering from asthma? It hurts to see them suffer an asthma attack. If you have often found yourself helpless to soothe their misery in such a situation, here are facts about fish oil for asthma to assist you ensure reduction in the frequency and severity of asthma attacks hereafter.

Asthma is a chronic obstructive respiratory ailment that affects people in their childhood and stays throughout their lives triggered by hereditary factors, environmental pollutants, unhealthy food habits, smoking, stress or other allergens. It affects and contracts the lungs, pharynx and larynx of the respiratory system. During an asthma attack, the lungs start to secret mucous from the cell membranes which fills up the respiratory tract and moreover causes cold and cough, making it difficult to breathe. Asthma is one of the leading diseases taking over the American health today, costing it as much as $13 billion every year. Almost 5000 deaths are caused annually by asthma alone in United States. Moreover, it does not have a cure. Its symptoms can only be diminished with a proper diet with special supplements and alternative therapies.

About Fish Oil

Fish oil is the richest source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids that have anti-inflammatory properties and are essential for a healthy diet. Its main constituents are docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) that are used by the body to repair and produce new cells. Did you know? The occurrence of asthma in Eskimos is remarkably lower as compared to the statistics around the world. This can be attributed to their diet which is rich in omega-3 and omega-6 derived from cold water fish.

Certain oily fish that are beneficial for asthma treatment are Atlantic salmon, Hoki, sardines, mackerel, mullet, rainbow trout and orange rough. They contain more than 2% fat and should be consumed at least 4 times a week.

Benefits of Fish Oil for Asthma

According to a research, supplementing an asthma patient?s diet with fish oil reduces the symptoms of lung inflammation. The average daily dosage of fish oil for the treatment, recommended for substancial improvement in breathing, is 3.3 grams everyday. The advised quantity not only improves the state of asthma patients yet moreover reduces the risk of the disease when consumed daily during childhood. Daily intake can prevent severe asthma attacks by reducing the constriction of the bronchi-oles and puts you to ease. You will see results in 2 months.

It is proven and documented by scientific research that you cannot substitute this oil with omega-3 and omega-6 supplements to reap the benefits. The body has to convert them to long chain acids, that is DHA and EPA acids, to use them. Therefore, this oil is preferred over flax-seed oil. It?s not just the fatty acids that play a role in preventing or reducing asthma, yet there are other components in the fish oil that are unknown yet yet are major asthma fighters. However, if you are allergic to fish or do not like to eat it, you can opt for capsules.

In fact, in Hyderabad, India, there is an annual festival in the month of June wherein a particular Goud family hands over live fish dipped in a paste of special herbs to thousands of asthma patients. The special ?medication? is said to improve asthma among people who are prescribed a strict diet regime for the next 45 days. The family proclaims it to be an exotic and powerful recipe passed down over generations as an asthma cure and refuses to share it with pharmaceutical companies. This oil is especially beneficial for children and women in their late pregnancies.

Avoid eating fried fish though. Broiled or grilled fish is a satisfactory choice for your health because frying it can take away its nutrients. Fish oil for treatment of asthma is completely natural and so it can be taken with your regular asthma medication with no side-effects. Please note, the use of fish oil is not recommended for people ailing with depression, bipolar, HIV/AIDS and diabetes as it causes blood thinning. Excessive intake may moreover cause vomiting and nausea.




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