Saturday, September 15, 2012

Food Survey | Running the Windy City

Hey guys and happy Friday!! I don?t have much new to report. My training is still going well and my body is greatly appreciating a cut-back week! I had some weird shin pain yesterday after my 9 miler but it seems to be gone today. I took the morning off from running and cross-trained (as the training plan suggests) but I do plan on squeezing in 2-3 miles this evening right after work.

Anyway, I saw this survey on Blonde Bostonian earlier this week and thought it was cool enough to share with you. Enjoy and have a wonderful day!

1. Favorite cereal as a child?

I really liked Honey Combs but I went through a lot of cereal fads. Lucky Charms, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Count Chocula, you name it and I?m sure I tried it!


2. Coffee or tea? With or without milk?

I?ve gone back and forth on coffee and tea for years. When I was in college, I rarely drank coffee (or rather I never brewed it myself) but I would drink tea all the time. I only really started drinking coffee last year when I cut diet coke out of my life completely. Since then I?ve been drinking coffee (except for a stint without out when I was food allergy testing) and tea on occasion. Sometimes it makes me sick! I always add almond milk to coffee and usually a little stevia but not too much or I?ll get a headache. Obviously I?m a coffee diva!

3. The one food you eat most often at breakfast?

Oatmeal hands down. I have oatmeal at least?4 times per week. Also nut butters, I can?t remember the last morning I didn?t have at least one big spoonful of nut butter!

1. Sandwiches are generally considered a ?lunch food.? If you had to choose between a grilled cheese and a peanut butter and jelly, which would you pick?

As I can?t have cheese I?m going to have to say a pb&j; however, I probably would have picked that anyway! I love a sandwich with good nut butter, fancy jam (like fig), and other random add-ins. For the Chicago readers, Hopleaf serves a CB&J sandwich that is filled with cashew butter, fig jam, and some kind of cheese. It?s amazing!

2.You can only put four ingredients in your salad (not including greens); what do you throw in the mix? Additionally, which greens and dressing do you pick?

My salad preferences change a lot but my new favorite is mixed greens with roasted brussels sprouts, smoked salmon, avocado, and mushrooms/some other veggie. It?s so good! I also usually make a vegan ?ranch? dressing with a lot of dill. The dill + the salmon is so tasty!

3. One food you can?t live without at lunch?

Fruit. I almost always finish off my lunch with a piece of fruit like a peach, nectarine, apple, etc.

1. It?s the end of the day. You?re tired, hungry, and your fridge is empty. If a fast food (from a chain) is your only option, where do you go and what do you order?

Definitely something from Chipotle! If I?m super hungry then I?ll order a veggie burrito bowl with added lettuce, if I?m just a little hungry or I had a big lunch, I?ll order the veggie salad. I also always order guac. Theirs is too good to skip!

2. TV/computer on or off while you?re eating?

If I?m eating alone I usually have?the tv?on but if Ian and I are eating together then we usually keep the tv off. I also rarely eat dinner in front of the computer (after work I try not to turn my computer back on!) but I do eat breakfast while on my labtop.

3. The one food you eat most often at dinner?

I like to think that I vary my food and don?t tend to eat the same meals week-to-week. For example this week?I bought a spaghetti squash and have been trying to be creative about ways to use it.?

I do try to get in a lot of veggies at dinner though! So I guess the answer is veggies?

1. Choose between these two American desserts: cheesecake or apple pie?

Cheesecake all the way.

2. Choose between these two foreign desserts: tiramisu (Italy) or flan (Spain)?

Tiramisu hands down. I think I?ve had flan once and I didn?t particularly enjoy it. Tirimisu on the other hand, I could eat every night!

3. Ice cream: cone or cup?

Cone!! There is nothing better than an ice cream cone! Plus, how amazing is that last bite of cone where all the ice cream has melted down and pooled into the waffles?

Now it?s your turn, answer one of the above questions! Also what is everyone up to this weekend?


Katie Ledecky Aaron Ross Sikh temple lollapalooza Nastia Liukin Gabby Douglas hair Kayla Harrison

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