Thursday, February 2, 2012

Featured Blogger: Joscelyn Ramos Campbell ? www ...


Our Featured Latina Mom Blogger is Joscelyn Ramos Campbell. ? Joscelyn at Mami of Multiples has a very informative blog that provides parenting resources and family lifestyle tips from a Latina Blogger.? Her blog resonates with general market and Latino audiences. She started blogging as way to connect with other mothers? as a creative outlet.

For 10 years,? she? worked as an executive in the fields of public relations and human resources for the federal government. During those years,? she also became a mother.? As part of? her work responsibilities, she travelled extensively, but occasionally brought her young son (and her parents who would care for him while she worked) on trips that were held in family-friendly locations.? After she became a mother of twins, she found herself for the first time not working outside of the home but being a stay at home mother.? In her words, ?Motherhood is a wonderful experience but it can be very isolating, especially when caring for infant twins and an adolescent. I wanted to blog to share my experiences and connect with other mothers online.?

She is a wealth of information and truly an inspiration to all Latina Moms who blog.? You can connect with Joscelyn on Twitter: @JoscelynRC and @InnovativeTalk .? You can also connect with her via Facebook at: Mami of Multiples? or at Mami Innovative Media .? She also co-host a show called Chicas Chatting on Blog Talk Radio? and on Twitter at @ChicasChatting.


Here is her interview:

  • Who is the target audience of your blog and what data can you provide us about your audience??

Mami of Multiples offers parenting resources and helpful tips for families, including families with multiples and bilingual children.? The audience primarily consists of women from Hispanic (Latino), Anglo-American or Multicultural (African American/Asian American) descent. They are usually married between the ages of 22 ? 55 and tend to be the household decision makers and shoppers.

  • What do you believe helps differentiate your blog/websites & business from others?

I believe what helps to differentiate my sites and ventures are my personal and professional experiences.? My educational background and work history have helped to provide me with a vast array of knowledge and skills, all which have positively influenced my businesses.

  • Do you ever refuse to review products you don?t actually use or believe in?

My policy has always been that I do not review products that I do not use personally or products that I believe would not be of benefit to others.? For example, I have refused to review products that the average family could not afford, regardless if I could keep the product myself.? I believe my readers trust me and I do not want to endorse a product that I don?t believe in or feel that it would be helpful to others.

  • Do you promote events or support through your blog any particular charity or non-profit organization?

Since charity and non-profit organizations are important to me, I always like to lend my support.? Recently I have helped to support the initiatives of Stand Up To Cancer, Heart of Haiti, Cervical Cancer Awareness & Prevention. Go Red for Women & Go Red Por Tu Corazon, Orlando Teen Mom Event, Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida Food For Thought Tour.

  • What advice would you have for a mother who is thinking about starting a blog but may not know where/how to begin? What can you tell them about maintaining balance between home and work?

I like to tell mothers who are thinking of blogging to approach it like having a conversation with a friend.? It?s helpful to remember that a blog is an extension of a person; it can be authentic, original, humorous, helpful, pensive?truly everything that makes up an individual.? Ideas, questions, advice, resources are all things that friends share with one another and the blog is like an exchange between friends.? Readers and followers will come when they feel they can relate or have a connection to the blog and its author.

A work and life balance is something that I think all mothers, whether stay at home, work at home, or work outside the home, all aspire to achieve and all struggle with.? I think it?s important when trying to blog or work outside or inside the home is to create a schedule to help with time management.? For example, if wanting to spend more quality time with the family is a priority, then it should be set as a steady or on-going appointment in the family calendar that is just as important as a business meeting.

  • What is your favorite life or business quote?

One of my favorite quotes is??One hundred years from now, it will not matter what kind of car I drove, what kind of house I lived in, or how much money I had in the bank. But the world may be a better place because I made a difference in a child?s life.? ? Author Unknown

  • Can you share what is the most important business habit you have?

I would say the most important business habit I have is my work ethic.? I have been taught from an early age the meaning of hard work and the responsibility of completing a task.? My jobs have helped to mold and hone that trait to be one that I carry in all my professional dealings.

  • Tell us about three people that you admire and why?

My Parents

I admire my parents above all because their values on life and education are things I still strive for.? My Cuban father and Puerto Rican mother overcame many of the obstacles that first-generation Hispanic Americans faced when coming to America years ago.? My father came to the US as professional baseball player and ended up being one of the first Latino union executives for the I.L.A.? My mother was one of the first Latina senior consultants for the New York Dept. of Labor EEO office.? I am the youngest of my siblings and I was born when my parents already had three grown teenagers in the home.? My mother changed jobs, despite having a wonderful career, and went in to the education field so she could spend more time at home as I was growing up.

Billy Graham & Ruth Bell Graham

I admire Mr. & Mrs. Billy Graham because they were a couple that truly embodied the meaning of the word ?teamwork? and having a ?servant?s heart?.? They dedicated their entire lives to spreading a message of peace and love and compassion for others.? Their remarkable life and legacy is reflected in the millions of people worldwide, including global leaders that they have personally affected with their ministry work.

Celia Cruz

Her undeniable voice and energetic spirit was a staple in my home growing up.? She broke racial stereotypes to become one of the most recognizable and beloved Latin musical star in the world.? Her passion for music was contagious and hearing her sing to his day makes me feel like I?m home.


  • What is the best book you?ve recently read and why?

I recently read ?The Help? by Kathryn Stockett.? I had received the book at a blogger conference that I was speaking at and I was immediately enamored with the storyline.? Although, I greatly liked ?the recent film based on the book, I really enjoyed reading more in-depth the back-story of the main and supporting characters and their connection to each other.? Reading the book and watching the movie with my teen son was like having a virtual civil rights and history lesson.? I enjoyed being able to answer his questions and have conversation about that period in American history.

  • ?If you weren?t a full time blogger, what other field can you see yourself working in?

?If I wasn?t a full time professional blogger, then I would like to work in the communications, public relations, broadcasting, or legal fields.? Each of those fields, incorporate some of my key strengths as an individual.? I also have a heart for ministry and charitable work.


  • You recently relaunched Mami Innovative Media.? We love your redesign & colors.? What type of services do you provide?? What demographics do you cover?? Is there a specific niche market?

Mami Innovative Media is a communications and digital marketing company providing services to brands, corporations, individuals, non-profits and small businesses.? We have a proven track record of creating and implementing successful communication, event management, marketing, public relations and social media programs. Recently, we have been able to ?partner and collaborate with some of the most well-known brands and companies, including Disney, Dyson, General Mills, Johnson?s Baby, Lifetime Movie Network, Neutrogena, Nestle, Target, State Farm, and T.J.Maxx/Marshalls.

  • Any recent or upcoming campaigns you would like to share?

I was recently selected to be one of the Hormel Foods Extended Family Bloggers.? Hormel Foods has made their name under many well-established trademarks that include Hormel, SPAM, Jennie-O Turkey Store, Dinty Moore, to name a few. As part of the Hormel Foods Extended Family Preferred Blogger Program, I will be sharing an insider?s look at the official Hormel Foods test kitchen, participate in live webcasts and interactive events, learn new relevant tricks and techniques for easy meal prep, shopping, discounts, hosting giveaways, and more. In addition the Hormel Extended Family Bloggers will be featured on the Hormel Foods Facebook page.

  • Are there any other projects you are currently working on??

I am an Executive Editor of a recently launched digital publication for mothers of multiples called Multiplicity Magazine.? Created based upon the expansive needs of mothers of multiples, Multiplicity Magazine is a quarterly electronic magazine offering resources and advice on an array of parenting and lifestyle topics directly related to families of multiples.? The inaugural issue is free to the public.



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