Sunday, July 29, 2012

Hypertension, what to do? | Revista Women's Health

First you must know that this condition affects around the world to almost 1 in 3 people. A diagnosis of high blood pressure, also called hypertension, does not mean you are going to suffer a stroke, you should not make radical changes in your life.

If this is not a case of advanced hypertension simply must begin to implement small changes in your daily life, to make it healthier.

If your case is not associated with any known risk factors for blood pressure, surely you have been diagnosed with ?essential hypertension?. While it has not been fully explain its origin, yes it has been associated with some demographic factors such as sex, race and age, and genetic factors.

Unlike the ?secondary hypertension? essential hypertension is not associated directly to a cause detected in the patient, but that does not mean it does not relate to the lifestyle led by the patient. In other words, it may cause your blood pressure is not smoking, but not a good idea to start smoking tomorrow.

Where do we begin to solve my problem of hypertension?

A basic change must implement all hypertensive patients (hypertension), reduces salt intake in your diet. This small step can be as relevant to your condition that might possibly avoid the need to receive medication!

Increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables. It is estimated that an adult should consume about 5 servings of these foods daily.

Do more exercise. The ideal in this sense is to perform minimally 3 hours of exercise per week. Not a dramatic change, but if you?re not used to exercising, will require all your will. Hardly lacking motivation when it comes to health.

Reducing your weight will help you not only to correct your blood pressure problem, but will also help prevent other diseases such as diabetes or cholesterol.

Try to correct the situations they bring to your life a constant stress. When stress becomes a permanent fixture in the routine of a person, it accelerates the normal rhythm of their heartbeats, and your nervous system is stimulated to produce large amounts of vasoconstrictors, which reduce the size of the arteries, causing hypertension pressure.


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