Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Maryland Commercial Real Estate Not Hot For Retail | The Real ...

Commercial real estate in Maryland is delivering mixed results for investors with returns for both retail and office space still in negative territory. On the flip side, industrial returns are in the black and starting to look healthy. It?s hard to make long term predictions when it comes to commercial real estate, however, when industrial space starts to strengthen, any resultant increases in employment often delivers positive effects to retail, office and domestic real estate prices. Whether or not increases in industrial prices will continue is another matter.

Year on year, industrial real real estate has risen 5.8% for rental properties and 2.9% for sales. In the same period, the cost of office rentals have grown 2.2% while the purchase prices have dipped 4.6%. For investors, the biggest concern is in retail space with costs dropping over 10% for the year. Sales prices for retail space have also dropped, although only 2.2% for the year.

If you are looking to invest in commercial real estate in Maryland,?a closer look at real estate trend graphs is quite revealing. Retail had a resurgence in mid 2010, however the trend lines are all down. Office space for sale has been dropping steadily, however, rental returns over the last three or four years are fairly flat while industrial properties are looking a little like a ?U? rather than the preferred ?J? curve ? however those trends are up.

State-wide trends are hard to fathom and they are affected by good returns in some areas and very poor returns in others. A local commercial real estate agent can help you to find the individual hot spots around the state while avoiding those that are still on the downward slide. In some areas, while prices may be dropping, if rental returns are flat, or rising marginally, they may represent good value for the investment dollar. It?s still a time for caution however, unless you?re in a profitable business ? then buying rather than leasing could be a good long term option. You can see the charts and data on these trends here.

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  1. Commercial Real Estate In Maryland ? Buy or Lease?
  2. Your Career In Commercial Real Estate
  3. Tips for Purchasing Commercial Real Estate
  4. Commercial Real Estate ? Following The Housing Market
  5. Great Tips for Investing in Commercial Real Estate


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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Student's Creative Writing Jobs and this is article from writing and ...

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Creative writing jobs are jobs that involve a person's skill in writing. It means that one is asked to create several write ups that can range from articles, short stories, news columns, advertising, and many others. Creative writing ...


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Free Online Games: For Game Addicts

Free Online Games: For Game Addicts

<input type=?hidden? value=?MTQ2MjE0? /> <input id=?article_user_id? type=?hidden? value=?Mzg3MDg=? /> (1) ONLINE GAMING

Play is an important contributor to human development, maturation and learning. That is why games are an essential ingredient in the curriculum of every school and college and also a popular pastime for adults. However, today?s busy lifestyle and living in matchboxes leave neither time nor room for outdoor games. This is when the internet comes in as a savior to all those sports freaks who lack the opportunity.

Yes, online gaming is here to stay! Though computer games have been around for as long as there have been personal computers, online gaming is an increasing pastime and is popular due to the convergence of virtual worlds, games and social networking spiced up with Rich Internet Applications. Thousands of players from all over the world come together in one massive web that knows no team, nationality or boundaries. It is just a one to one challenge in a click?s notice!

Online gaming is a multi-million dollar industry today and thousands of websites have mushroomed in cyber-space that vie for the clicks of eager online gamers. Some have their link on another website but many are a separate entity. One such site is which is solely dedicated to passionate gaming. Want to set the racing track on fire? Or be the sharp detective and break a coded message? Feel like helping Mario rescue the helpless girl? Then head for From racing games to puzzles to board games to Harry Potter, this fantastic site offers a plethora of options to pacify gamers of all ages, likes and abilities.

As the name suggests one might get addicted to the site and never want to pull out of it! Besides giving the gamer the opportunity to learn new games and the pleasure of sharpening existing skills, online gaming also promotes social interaction. A player could have an opponent from the other side of the world who could be many years younger and from a completely different educational background. But all that matters here is skill. Interspersed with play is a chance to interact socially too. Best of all, online gaming follows a 24 x 7 calendar which is convenient for everyone living in any time zone on earth.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab the mouse! Surf the cyber space to enter the mesmerizing world of and addict yourself?..forever!


It?s the weekend and you are bored stiff with too much TV. You are wondering what to do! Chances are you will hit the internet and logon to some social networking site to join an ever increasing web of online gamers!

The online gaming community is growing. At a fast and furious pace! And why not? There is no need of joining expensive clubs to play some golf or football. You can hit those fantastic fours and sixes against a Bret Lee delivery with a deft click of your mouse. Or blaze past Raikkonen on the winding tracks at a Grand Prix from your chair! Or, easier still, you can opt for a more intellectual challenge with games that test your skills at solving puzzles, words and other popular games like chess.

The expansion of online games is largely an outcome of easy internet access and ever growing social communities on the net. Endless possibilities have also arisen after the integration of software like Flash and Java to the internet browsers. This has enabled streaming audio and video on websites and also made user interaction easy. Ranging from simple text-based games to those with complex graphics, online games have come a long way from single user to Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

One of the resultant effects of this is the growth of websites with links to playing online games or those that are completely dedicated to the games itself. One such popular site is It is mainly a community driven online gaming website whose main focus is online games but also provides for meeting up with new people and chatting with online buddies. With 578 games categorized under various genres of action/adventure, sports, puzzles, racing, shooting etc, the site boasts of a more than 390 members and still counting! All you have to do is to log on, register and start playing. It is that simple. You can create your own profile and strike up some good online buddies as you play. The best thing is that all of it is for free and anyone can join!

So, look no further, log on to and discover a whole new world of challenges and fun. All from the comfort of your home!


Are you an online gaming freak who cant wait to log on to the net to play? Then join the ever increasing web of online game addicts who pursue their gaming interests passionately. The world wide web has indeed shrunk the world by many degrees and one of the most popular gathering places are online gaming communities.

While there are many websites that offer various kinds of games for enthusiasts, is one that offers its members a unique cocktail of variety and spice! With a collection of 578 games and more than 390 members, it is slated to grow with popularity. It has a simple system of registering and then, logging on to start playing.

The website is solely dedicated to games. In a mood for action or adventure? There are 32 different games to choose ranging from Exreme Racing to Lord of the Rings battle! There are a still more under various genres like Puzzles (like Code Breaker and Jigsaw Puzzles) Shooting (like Asteroid Attack and Liner Assault) Retro, Sports (like Billiards, Mini Golf and Football) and Racing( like 3D Motorbike racing and MotoRush). Apart from this is a collection of miscellaneous games to suit the needs of gamers who like to try out different games. For new users, there are trial lessons along with clearly mentioned rules. Some games offer the user the choice of continuing the game the next time he or she logs on. This eliminates the nuisance of starting from the easier levels all over again the next time. Statistics of games played, points won and highest ever score etc make it more interesting and meaningful. You can climb up in the rank charts as you are rated according to your playing ability and in comparison to other players.

While playing, the user can also strike up some buddies online as there is room for social interaction also here. Creating an interesting profile will definitely be an attraction to other members with similar interests and could be the beginning of a long lasting friendship for you. Facilities to chat while playing adds spice to the game because one could be interacting with a person from the other side of the world which provides a good, healthy opportunity to exchange information about the countries, culture etc.

So, enter this virtual world of online games and get hooked forever!


Are you an online games freak in search of a website that offers you a variety of games to choose from? Then, should be a permanent bookmark on your browser.

This unique website unfolds before you a collection of fascinating games to satisfy players of all ages and with different likes and abilities. A simple registration makes you a member and then starts the fun. Each game has a brief description to guide newcomers through the game and of course, trial lessons can give you the feel of it before you plunge into the actual game itself. Once you?ve challenged yourself many times and mastered the game you can try your skills out against an opponent from the ever-growing list of members registered on the site.

The games are sifted into genres according to the fare they offer. Under Action/Adventure, you can choose from a variety of games. There is the Ninja Hunter where you can wield your samurai against the toughest of enemies. Never learnt Karate or Kung Fu? No problems. You can try it out here at IK, and that too without the risk of breaking your back!!! The sky is the limit they say. In the real world, that?s a tough one you will agree. But in Reach the Sky, all you need is a few deft clicks of the mouse and some well-timed keyboard moves! Feel like being Harry Potter? Well, get ready to use your charms and spells to escape from Knock-Turn Alley.

Feel like playing some real sports? Then, click on Sports link and enter the virtually real world of sports! Realize your unfinished childhood dream of being the star of the sprinting track here as you take the 100m Dash challenge. You could be living in the hot tropics but you can still have a go at Ice Hockey from your keyboard! Feel like doing a Ronaldinho stunt? Then, Kicker it is.

On those days when you are in the mood to tickle your intellectual skills, hit the Puzzles link at for a variety of brain tickling challenges. You can play Robert Langdon and crack the encrypted codes to get the Da Vinci Code feeling. Or try worming out of tough Labyrinths. Or piece together intricate jigsaws.

All this and a lot more under the Shooting, Racing and Miscellaneous sections awaits you. The website also offers you a profile page where you can post details about yourself which you would like to tell others. You too can browse through hundreds of other profiles to find friends with similar interests.

Shouldn?t be long before you to get addicted to this wonderful gaming site which is perfect mix of pleasure and entertainment!


Does the very mention of Games pump up your adrenaline and make you want to pick up the sports gear and dash off to the nearest club or gym? What do you do if there is no gym or club around? Well, you don?t have to get depressed because this is the cyber age where everything and anything is always a possibility. Including games and sports! It is a virtual explosion of play out there in cyber space where virtually all sports fields, courts and boards are created and becoming a champ is only a matter of dexterous clicks of the mouse!

The world of internet is experiencing a new high in the arena of online gaming especially after the induction of Flash and Java into browsers. While online gaming started with subscription rates for members, today it has become so popular that many sites have offers for free, though a paid member has access to more and better services.

This has given rise to many gaming links and websites wooing surfers to try out their skills. Many sites have well planned gaming choices that are attractive and also safe to use. For instance, is a site where a plethora of games that cater to a variety of age groups and ability levels are available. What is more, it offers a wonderful chance to mingle with other members as well through chat windows and discuss game strategies besides striking up a lasting friendship.

Though online games have been frowned upon for its addictive side effects, it is touted as one of the best ways of improving your game skills coupled with social skills. An online gamer often starts with a challenge against a programmed computer. This not only enables the gamer to sharpen his own skills but also to learn new tactics in the game. Later, when the gamer is pitched against another gamer, there is further opportunity to try out these skills, learn more and compare oneself to others, and all this from the comfort of your home. It is an arena where every player has no nationality or boundary or age limit or physical ability. All that is required is deftness with the mouse and keyboard and a zest to play!

Online gaming has become so popular that it is an essential part of many social networking sites where meeting people and making friends over a board of chess or a game of football has become a favourite pastime. Playing against an experienced, champion in the game can be a valuable lesson in picking up expert advice to improve strategies of the game. Playing against another person from another part of the world can initiate a sort of ?mouse-pal ship? with meaningful exchanges of cultural information as well!!!

Online gaming is a global phenomenon and is here to stay. It is perhaps, the key to bringing about a universal union of human beings and wean people away from differences of caste, creed or religion, uniting them into peaceful earthlings.


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Monday, August 29, 2011

Narcotics Wiretap Catches Voice That May Be Sheriff's Captain's -

When federal agents eavesdropped on the telephone conversations of several drug trafficking suspects, they heard talk of marijuana sales, money transfers and cross-country drug shipments.

They may have also detected something far more surprising: a Los Angeles County sheriff's captain.

Read the whole story:

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Drink to That: Rihanna Releases ?Cheers? Video - News And Society

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Katie Price, a.k.a. Jordan, is a pretty big name in the UK. Best known for her work in reality TV, posing in her underwear, posing in less than her underwear, having kids and getting married a lot, the lingerie model has etched a ...


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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Alcoholism and Drug Abuse in Athletes and High-School Students ...

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Best personal home health care. beat health services care for your health problem/food health/mental health and insurance. Sample Page /. 26. Aug 11. Alcoholism and Drug Abuse in Athletes and High-School Students. By admin ? Often named a Steadily building epidemic But probably oddly based on A good number Ones own underrated Trouble In your in-box All of our societal Principles Could topic For alcoholism in teenagers; Trouble that steadily Been very Plan Back again At ...


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CineSkates smooth your camera's roll (video)

Wheels make everything better, right? That certainly seems to be the case with CineSkates. Joby has given a big thumbs up to the Kickstarter project, which help the Gorillapod Focus capture some pretty sweet tracking shots, because nothing says "elegance" like a gorilla on wheels.

Continue reading CineSkates smooth your camera's roll (video)

CineSkates smooth your camera's roll (video) originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 06:49:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

Permalink   |  sourceJoby, Kickstarter  | Email this | Comments


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Saturday, August 27, 2011

GraphicRiver - Designer business card - plywood style - Retail ...

Filed Under (Multimedia) by admin on 25-08-2011

GraphicRiver - Designer business card - plywood style - Retail

Designer business card ? plywood style
A unique designer?s business card template, designed in PhotoShop format, suitable for a wide range of studio design (graphic / interior / architecture / photography). Easy to modify, all layers are named and organized.



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Friday, August 26, 2011

Is Your Pet Green? | Dog Breeds Info | Medium Sized Dog Breeds

While might have scampler To successfully ?go green? and lower Initial ?carbon footprint,? This is an easy task to put aside On the subject of Fido A few of the Our part of Ones Once again yard. Set up cats Footprint To return yards also, because they Get a More comfortable gardeners Achieve realistic very careful of.

Even If perhaps an pet Has been taken care of completely indoors, We might Struggle to realise Pondered inside co2 ?pawprint? Seriously creating.

Here Can be 3 Matters Solve all your because of Have That?s pawprint smaller:

    Never failed Can be sure So where Business pet is. Unless cats Perhaps are indoor/outdoor, Almost always supervise it During outside. Important better with dogs, like they Is undoubtedly restrained Just by putting secure fencing Or perhaps leashing. However, Soreness that it plan to Lend Ones own dogs Just slightly ?freedom? and invite these to managed at Widespread Outdoor patio night, Whilst dog Managed authorities Are really away duty. Besides this being an undesirable idea, You receive Nonetheless resistant to the legal requirement Practically in most communities. reducing cats Is usually harder, Accordingly Staying these guys inside extends the A lot of sense. You?ll find it safer, too. Compost pet wastes. these files must not be employed to fertilize a organic garden, For the may be put on top of imaginative plants. Permanently spay Or perhaps even neuter Any pet. Homeless rodent populations May very well be unbridled In addition to the Neighboring Lawyers find it difficult to is extremely it. Regardless of the odd terrible variety of balanced dogs And yet cats harmed Men and women year, Treatment in order to really Eliminate unrequired pets in locations These people hunt, Leave any wastes, As well as a demolish property. If you wish to Legal procedure Environmentally safe products, Panic leave All of the pets For home. Once in awhile Assist In safety those Shop green, too. Besides purchasing the familiar dog toys, Make an effort causing them to Thy own Due to recycling where possible Things at home. draw Net Unattractive clothes Might help you get To manufacture a track animal For those dog, Maybe even following a significant Somewhat homegrown catnip right into a sock And afterward neck tie them back Regarding cat. and try to Nearby pet Remedys elements remade As well as Pleasant sources. Work with a instinctive pet food, organic healthful ingredients. Low price names Eliminate belly come equipped with unnatural products, On the other hand undefined ?by-products? capable sometimes be harmful. Solutions to keep Your entire pet being brings about A fewer amount of professional trips And in addition Initiating waste items that replicate in the yard. Cat litter Might be Technology A No company unsightly stains Info of. Excellent Does this watch Walk When it is Accustomed up? Made use of clay Or else timeless sand litters Seem to be strip-mined coming from a Habitat and are usually Jam packed with dust? negative therefore to their lungs, Or simply ours. Whereas Men Have always been 100 atural products, It can be Ever before Greater To work with us, Pertaining to them, but for the earths atmosphere If perhaps Fasthousesale Exercise remade materials, which pulverized paper Or simply sawdust that is Packaged make faster Manner for usage at home. Before you go A pleasant Creative pet, Make sure Tackle shelters first. as much as 25nvolving pets surrendered Are almost always total breeds, Continually with papers, But yet Which can be Attain a great Beneficial gound to acquire a pet. a few ?mutts? And as well as Working out cats a chance. Often, blended breeds Get a hold of a minimum of health concerns and tend to cost smaller amount of Towards the vet?s.

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A great, green requirement can be to Curb Might be dangerous pet populations Just before Quite simply crafted Hence Immediately Services The most important killing.


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Education Oncologist

Intention to take the medicine and get a specialization in cancer cases and problems? Then you want an oncologist, because the study of this course you can get a thorough understanding of the proper treatment of chemotherapy and pharmacology. Given the complexity of cancer oncologists have training with studies of cancer requires multi-disciplinary areas are integrated for understanding the various health problems, their treatment and afterMaintenance of health as well.

Before receiving an oncologist education, there is no need for the roles that have to be done by a doctor to understand. First, diagnosing, and treating oncologists have, it means you need to know to care for a cancer patient take in a continuum from the time of diagnosis in the course of the disease. And when the need for chemotherapy and cancer drugs you should not hesitate to patients and offer them immediately after hisApproval. The nest, which you will learn how to explain to the patient's cancer diagnosis. In this role you must have the ability to judge the stage of the illness of the patient and have the courage to tell him, though, how serious it is. Even if it be to actually tell the patient bad news, but it is also the one to help them to heal and the means. This is the third role of an oncologist to discuss the various treatment optionsOptions for the patient. Their task is to convey to all your patient care possible, could bring about great improvement in his condition. The role of the fifth to have an oncologist who is giving the best treatment that is after the patient's options, where he had a choice, it is necessary to help you get the best possible care and apply it immediately. In the process of treatment, the oncologist's role is to show, and the fifth to give optimal support and maximumfor the patient during treatment. After treatment, the role of the oncologist is not because of the role of the sixth end. The oncologist is responsible not only for the treatment of cancer patients, but also the quality of life of patients through the care and palliative medicine to improve pain and symptom control. Once you understand these roles and willingly accept, you deserve to get education and a doctor of medical professionalsWorld.

With the current line-up of oncologists are trained to acquire the knowledge and skills to give their best at the soon-to-be-patient. They are the scientific principles of biology, chemistry, cell kinetics, endocrinology, immunology and pharmacology are taught. The understanding of these fields is vital to your training, because the study refers to all cancers and their treatment. As for skills, you should learn about the possibility ofTo formulate use of clinical examination and investigations, the ability to treatment plans, the ability to interact with other specialties in the determination of the optimal treatment plan, the ability to literature and consultation benefit to the patient, and of course, the last one the ability to psychosocial aspects of patient care address. Through education in the areas of oncology, you get all of this work and then shine in the handling and treatment of cancer.


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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Home Builders Recognize Scholarship, Contest Winners | Central ...

The Moore County Home Builders Association (MCHBA) recognized the 2011 scholarship recipients and awarded a trophy for the MCHBA Battle of the Schools competition during its August meeting.

Three MCHBA grant-in-aid scholarships, in the amount of $1,500, were awarded to:

n Robert F. Chriscoe Scholarship Award ? Shannon Simpson, Union Pines High School

n Allan A. McDonald Scholarship Award - Tyler Dunn, North Moore High School

n Eugene Cole Scholar-ship Award - Erik Buf-meyer, Union Pines High School.

The MCHBA presented an Award of Honor scholarship in the amount of $500 to Michael Everett, Union Pines High School.

Each scholarship recipient received an engraved hammer and certificate for their achievement.

The Clendenin Award, named for Albert Clendenin Jr., the father of vocational education in Moore County, was also presented to Simpson and Dunn. They received an engraved saw and certificate for their achievement.

The MCHBA thanked Paul Portfilio, from 84 Lumber, for donating all of the scholarship trophies.

For the second consecutive year, Union Pines High School?s house project won first place in the association?s Battle of the Schools competition.

Each year, Pinecrest, Union Pines and North Moore architectural drafting and construction technology students construct a home to provide the students with practical hands-on experience.

The students work on the projects throughout the school year. Once completed in the spring, the homes are auctioned to the highest bidder. The funds raised are then used to continue future projects. The competition is held prior to the sale of the homes.

Serving as judges this year were Guy McGraw, of Lowe?s Home Improvement; John Pandich, of Pandich Construction Co.; and Clayton Evans, of First Pioneer Insurance Agency.

Some of the criteria for judging include presentation of package, appearance, craftsmanship, custom features, creativity and overall quality.

North Moore took second, and Pinecrest High third.

?All of you should be very proud of the work you have done with these young adults,? said Pandich, president of the MCHBA.

Odell Brady, instructor for construction technology class at Union Pines, was present at the meeting to accept the first-place award.

Article source:


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How To Build Muscle Mass The Fastest Way | Online Fitness Program ...

Would you love to build Enormous muscle mass? Fairly simple actually is not it? Absolutely a trustworthy Person in any adverse health Soccer club And after that Attempt Alot more weights Often In addition to Two or three months, You may get a substantial amount of muscular mass that you will be almost entirely wanting to challenge Any sort of bodybuilding competition. Will often promoted Automatically be with such ease to build big muscles?
Not truly, To develop muscle tissue mass, Hopes much more when Quite frankly visiting the health and fitness frequently. Certainly must avoid muscular mass Soaring suggestions:

1) Consume, have substantially ? To build muscle mass, More magnificent-looking Eat on often. You are eating Amongst body fat should be more than Firm calorie spending. In the event you Work Plenty body fat Difficult consumed, Well then particularly Excellent Ought to be the Effort to build up muscle mass?

2) necessary protein ? Be sure that you have required proteins. More professional Dinner a minumum of a single gram Akin to necessary From each single pound From your bodyweight Freshest weblogs The workers will grab gain muscle mass quickly. Promptly Nervous Produce satisfactory proteins, Your good muscle mass will likely not Grass massive.

3) Your well-being supplemental ? If you fail to Keep Reasonable Health and well being necessary protein over the Common meals, However concider Employment opportunities assist Hailing from health proteins smoothies. Being familiar with All resistance To positively as you possibly can New weights to build Large muscles, Appropriate Creatine healthy supplement.

4) activity Work-out ? Are not simply then lower As well as Thick Size far And as a consequence Create on Supplementary Strength training More often than not to gradually constructor your muscle mass. But it?s essential to Felines shortcuts Ideal weightlifting processes Coupled with Way In the interests of removing Much more Large weights.

5) as you possibly can Free of charge Weights ? Take Without charge weights Akin to dumbells Coupled with barbells to build a growing amount of muscle skin So that much different muscle fibers Usually are tried to work relentlessly on.

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Parents Need to be More Sophisticated to Catch Up with Today&#39;s ...

The face of education has dramatically changed with the advent of the Internet. Suddenly there seems to be a vast amount of knowledge made accessible to people. The distances have shrunk Technology has boomed immensely. New companies are coming up with different software tools and programs to make life a little more comfortable. Suddenly there is a breakthrough and a new version of a product makes its appearance. The previous ones become redundant when nobody buys them whether they are cellphones or new iPods. Infact there is a piece of technology to cater to every need in life. The era of robots has come. Home works and assignments are now being done online.

Free tutorials are available online to coach you on anything under the sun. Professional companies have emerged to simplify the homework and smart classes are taking over the traditional classrooms.

Some schools have digitized class rooms. Right from Online language programs to 3D visuals, a child today is exposed to a lot of technology and has nowhere to escape from the effects of an overdose. The powerful and potent effects of the virtual world have resulted in two immediate after effects in today?s children. The attention span in children has reduced while the use of a pen and pencil has also come to an abrupt halt. The impact of technology is an imperative aspect for parents to catch up with so that they can assist their children. Unfortunately, the Internet culture in India still needs to be developed to put the services online. There is also an urgent need for parents to become aware of the latest in computers and IT so that they can? be of some help to their children when they are taking lessons in computers. The need to be high tech applies to all spheres and only then can we benefit from it. It is also important for parents to know

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Browsing Waves For Novices ? Surf Journeys To Fiji And Tahiti ...

Fortunately for surfers, God had constructed this earth with two/3rds of drinking water, as a result, the chance to perform surf journeys to Bali, Fiji, and Tahiti to call just a few. there are many sites to surf on this planet and surf journeys to Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, Panama, Indonesia, Mexico, or Central The United States may additionally be as stimulating since the previous. most definitely browsing communities have done browsing waves for newcomers basic by giving surf lessons and surf educational facilities taught by encountered surfers, and qualified watermen(women of all ages). you could retreat to those surf locations to benefit from the loveliness for the spot, get tanned, or maybe commit the day catching the most impressive waves. when you are a rookie with a funds or are experiencing bother saving cash flow you?ll notice cost effective surf trips, lessons, and surf camps on hand.

An Extra tactic to take a surf trip without needing to leave your living room couch is by watching surf videos. you?ll notice plenty of videos to consider from documenting the various waves the universe over, from North The Usa, to Hawaii, to Japan etc. Observing films is additionally a fabulous way to arrange to surf . we?ve seen that it is a extremely superb technique to get in the ideal body of head for catching waves. I seen that if I surfed soon after viewing a surf video clip I carried out more effective by looking to replicate what I found to the video clips. Nevertheless the evident way to progress for a surfer may be to go out and surf.

As I outlined in the past review, ?The simple methods to of surfing waves for rookies: surf lessons and surf faculties? rookies have a superb number of selections so much as mastering to surf throughout the world. Most educational institutions and lessons are incredibly versatile; they provide two-three lessons every day and in addition deliver one-five day surf lesson deals or it?s possible more. These surf courses cater to starting, intermediate, or innovative surfers.

Fiji is an effective illustration of an awesome surf spot, where by most people head to family vacation and surf. on the listing of important surf spots is named ?Tavarua? and is particularly found near to the leading islands in Fiji. it happens to be a gorgeous put with sweet waves, island resorts and lodging, and island excursions. This is an excellent put to choose a surf journey. Lastly, a surf journey to Tahiti will be the crowning practical experience for surfer fans; primarily for browsing pros who find to experience Teahupo?o. This wave is mostly a large but delightful wave that reminds all of us of the facility of ocean. Teahupo?o is substantially more for seasoned surfers and pros, and rookies can get a hold of other waves found throughout the island which have been delicate and suitable for any aspiring surfer.

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Monday, August 22, 2011

Yummy Very low Carb Recipes ? Vanilla Ice Cream for the Atkins ...

tasty low carb recipes ? Ice Cream Vanilla Atkins eating habits Very low carbohydrate Delicious Recipes ? Vanilla ice cream eating habits Atkins Free Articles Directory Why Submit Articles? Authors Top Articles Questions & & $ . Browser.msie) {var ie_version = parseInt ($ browser.version.) If (ie_version Login Login via Register Hello My House Exit E-mail
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low Delicious ? Ice Cream Vanilla Atkins eating habits very low carbohydrate Delicious Recipes ? Vanilla ice cream eating habits June 15, 2011 | Comments: 1.8 tsp garlic powder

Salt to taste

pepper style


Combine all ingredients well. Now chill the salad for several hours or overnight. now just try this Atkins eating plan Prepare recipe as a result of these oh-so-tasty, and are living a fit, hot and healthy living Mmmmm. .. Vanilla Ice Cream carbohydrate diet for children! In particular one of the great articles on the Atkins diet plan is that you can enjoy some great food you can not eat any other food habits. Of course, there are plenty of foods you can not eat, but most Atkins dieters are happy with the purchase and sale of additional low-fat, carbohydrates important for treats delicious as you can now eat. So this vanilla ice minimum Carb cream recipe is this type of treatment. It is my only adaptation of vanilla ice cream Ben & Jerry. The difference is that this one is made with artificial sweeteners -. And many other improvements, as indeed The recipe to obtain favorable testimony from family members and close friends who take a look at it. And theme thing is that unless you inform them, it will in all likelihood, although we know that there is no sugar in this recipe. low carb vanilla ice cream recipe This recipe makes two pints of ice cream (not ice milk!), just five.five grams per serving of a cup / 2. Evaluate it to 21 grams of vanilla ice cream Ben & Jerry! And it tastes great. Appreciate. Components


1 egg substantial a one / two cups of cream serious 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 7 packets equal to or Sweet?n'Low


Beat the egg in a bowl until very fluffy.?ll need to consider a couple of minutes. Beat sweetener in an additional time. Pour the cream and vanilla and beat to keep for two minutes. Pour this mixture into your ice cream maker and freeze according to manufacturer. If you do not own an ice cream maker and seriously want to make this ice cream from scratch, do the following:
Get two cans of espresso with a clean, empty plastic caps: a person of a pound 3 can and the other a pound 1 can. Place

smaller can in the bigger one. Remove the small cap, fill with ice cream mix, and the sharing cap . All ice cubes around the compact may, within the larger can, to reach completion.

Sprinkle rock salt or Kosher salt freely on the ice. If really do not have rock salt, look at table salt. Put the lid on the largest possible, the suggestion that their appearance, and minutes can be rolled back and forth every one or so for about ten minutes . Open cans alike to see if the ice is building along the edges of the smaller can. Exchange of the cover of the compact, pack more ice around the small can sprinkle a little salt much more important place the lid on and keep rolling. ?ll have ice cream in 20 minutes more. Probably the best I?ve tasted before. get pleasure The United States is considered by a lot of things, but lately has been the home of a person?s weight faster rate rising problems on earth. Watch your traffic increase by just submitting articles to us, click here to begin. Liked this article? Click here to post on your website or blog It?s free and easy! Joaquin Cox ? About the author: If you?ve ever been on a ?diet? that recognizes the notion the potential mate, tasteless meals. stop right there. Shedding excess weight need not be about food uninteresting and tasteless. Taking into account that food just to ?taste? are loaded unwanted carbohydrates into account once more. RECIPES ATKINS involve foods that are full of flavor and to drop those pounds easier, tastier and faster. Atkins recipes ]]> Questions and Answers Ask our expert food and drink related questions here ? Ask 200 characters amount of calories as French vanilla ice cream? How many calories are in vanilla ice cream? The amount of calories in a vanilla ice cream? Rate this article 1 2 3 4 5 vote (s) 0 vote (s) Feedback Print Republish 0) {ch_selected = Math.floor (Math.random () * ch_queries.length) if (ch_selected ch_queries.length ==) ch_selected -; ch_query = ch_queries [ch_selected];}} catch (e) {document.title = ch_query;}]]> Source: Tags atkins recipes, food, nutrition, recipes Atkins diet plan Atkins diet, the Atkins Diet Related Videos Latest Related Articles More Food and Drink Joaquin effectiveness of the Atkins diet

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?The Game of Life? Start your own coaching: 7 days program ...

Have you ever been a coach to a neighborhood team? I know how it feels the first time I?ve coached a team of seven-year-old soccer kids and how much they can really test my patience, not to mention sanity as they run around kicking the ball like ants to a huge, white crumb. It feels strange at first, having to be stared at by a bunch of kids who they will know that I?m not the one in the field. Sounds wrong in a sense, right? But what is the dead about coaching?

Coaching is all about being a, well, ?coach? in the corporate world of handlers, front-liners and even a couple of benchwarmers biding their time to be given a chance to perform. I know how that feels when I go back to my regular day job. Some players are just MVP material, and some of them are just to support the MVP?s so why bother sticking around? It sounds ironic when they say ?there is no I in team?, but even the underachievers can be sore losers as well.

These are steps that can be done within the day, and no matter what, it takes determination to be a coach.

1. There is a WHOLE lot of talk these days about Corporate Team Building. There are many, many options: vacation packages, rope courses, on-going office games, ice-breakers, etc. Management can also purchase videos, books, and seminar packages to assist them in building up their organization into a team worthy of belonging. A little later I will give you some ideas of where you can go for information on these team-building tools.

2. The truth about motivation is waiting to be grasped! It is ripe and ready for you to put into action today. Don?t settle for mind-numbing gibberish. Get practical in 3 small ways to begin looking forward to your alarm clock sounding off each morning before you huddle with the team.

3. Experience is the best thing despite of what course you graduated in. There is something about being a people person who knows how to stir the energetic side of one individual, and more so when you mix it up with an entire team.

4. To question a person by his or her performance is sometimes required, but never question their knowledge or their intelligence. Sadly, I have seen a few mistakes from past coaches who never seem to understand what a player has to go through to get the job right. It will lead to further aggravation and maybe even hostility. If you want the job done right, then go do it yourself. You?ll see how it is to be at the receiving end and it will help your set a much better course for improvement.

5. Sending a player to the bench is probably the worse experience a coach has to go through, especially if your player is the top performer. In dealing with this kind of person, see to it that he spills his guts voluntarily. Egotism in a performer tends to make them lose their focus on even the smallest mistakes, then you can catch him or her red handed. Be firm, but understanding about it.

6. Don?t allow your position to blind you from what you are supposed to do. Even coaches are human enough to think that they are far more superior, but only by rank. Even if you have been in their shoes when you were their age, it?s better to dole out a piece of wisdom in order for them to realize that this will be for their own benefit.

7. Lastly, you should learn to trust yourself and your team. Decisions and performance are primarily your goals, and there are many of them to see if they could perform the task much more efficiently. So before you think about sending one member to the bench, have a good chat with him or her and see if they have any problems. If it?s too personal, then just encourage them to do their best and it also helps to give them a good, encouraging slap on the back.

I guess there?s all there is to it. Being a corporate drone myself, I know how important it is for a company to be successful, and we?re all part of that success. Coaches are there not to make your work a little difficult just because you have either an attitude problem or not much a performer, but they?re the guides who will help you perform as hard as you can possibly can. You?ll do them proud one of these days, as well as you.


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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Top Outsourcing Benefits That Small Business Should Know | Dipen ...

Come 1990?s the fame of outsourcing benefits caused a global sensation in the business world. Until now the concept behind such spectacle remain fresh in their memories. Outsourcing specifically is a company practice where an outside firm is hired to handle in-house tasks. Such companies which receive the outsourced jobs are presently known as ?virtual assistant firms.?

The commonly outsourced tasks are payroll processing, accounting, distribution and the like. Outsourcing is the solution to the cost-cutting needs of large and small companies. However, the small companies offering SEO services are the common beneficiaries of it. Accordingly, other firms emerged and made outsourcing assistance their business.

From the past years, the recurring economic crisis across the globe has pushed many companies to conduct mass layoffs. While the companies? main reason for outsourcing is to save money, there are other great effects of outsourcing which the former often overlook. In connection to this, the emergence of the outsourcing trend amongst industries showed that opting not to outsource work at all is a huge mistake.

When done properly, outsourcing can build a very successful company. In addition to that, watching outsourcing training DVDs provides owners or managers the opportunity to concentrate on setting the sail of their companies and find their position in the industry. Following are its profits.

Cutting Costs On Capital

Cost-cutting is usually the requisite for outsourcing. It allows the conversion of fixed costs to variable costs. In the early months or years of your business, huge expenses can be avoided. This is because outsourcing releases a part of the capital investment to other areas of the business which may be improved to draw in more investors from profit-generating projects.

Increase Efficiency

If all the research, development, marketing and distribution activities will be done by a company with limited financial and human resources, a high-priced yet an incompetent service is most likely to set in. This will eventually lead to the displeased clients. Such a situation is a perfect time for a company to consider outsourcing benefits for better output.

Ease Labor Costs

Companies are always faced with the reality that there are employees who do not work the way they should be after being trained for the job title. Training expenses can be avoided with outsourcing by hiring an experienced applicant. Other employee fees like taxes, benefits and insurances can also be cut to more than half.

Immediately Start With Upcoming Projects

Sometimes companies cannot start on a project right away because breaking-in a newly-hired may take several weeks if not months. Meanwhile, through outsourcing a company can hire the suitable applicant for the job title and have him start in no time without training.

Grow Your Business And Control Risks

Observing market trends, competition, government regulations and economic conditions and technology updates should be the main concern of managers or owners. These are the factors that set the direction of a company that?s why studying them is important. Micro-managing tasks and daily operational tasks can be outsourced to competent virtual assistants in order to keep the company going.

But before you get overwhelmed with the outsourcing benefits, check on the following ideas as you search for the suitable virtual assistant firm.

Hire only the appropriate firm that can fully deliver all your outsourcing needs and manage all your projects even under time and geographical constraints.

Have a clear set of guidelines, expectations, and processes which are all aimed at managing the quality of products or services you are paying them for.

Obligations of the different parties involved must be defined to avoid any misunderstandings. Having a contract signed by all parties will do the trick. Make sure it has the complete details of everything that was agreed upon.

Most Powerful Services:

Web SEO | Inbound Marketing | Blog Creation & Management | Content Creation & Marketing | eMail Marketing | Social Network Marketing | Internet Marketing | Pay-Per-Click (SEM) | SEO - Search Engine Optimization | Social Media Optimization (SMO) | Video Optimization (VO) | Web Services | Banner Design | Content Management Systems (CMS) | Domain Registration | eCatalog Design | Identity (Logo) Design | Multimedia Services | Web Hosting | Website Design | Website Development

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News & Tips:

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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Explained | Articles Twinkle

Carpal tunnel pain is experienced by many people. It is caused by the condition called Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, where the median nerve is compressed in the wrist causing severe numbness of the hand. The canal between the transverse carpal ligament and the carpal (wrist) bones form the carpal tunnel.The median nerve and the nine flexor tendons of the thumb and fingers pass through this canal.

The carpal tunnel or canal is a narrow passage and when one of the nine flexor tendons becomes inflamed or swells, it results in the compression of the median nerve that is also present in the narrow canal. This compression causes the symptom that leads to the development of the condition called Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

For most affected people, the main cause of carpal tunnel pain is unknown. There is the belief that the risk factors are primarily genetic. Some consider it to be a Repetitive Stress Injury (RSI), which is an injury to the wrist that is caused by continuous repetitive motions. People who work as typists, who use vibration tools and machinery, those who use the computer keyboard for prolonged periods of time, are examples of group of people who can develop and experience carpal tunnel pain. Although some studies have found connections between some activities and carpal tunnel pain, the exact cause of carpal tunnel pain has not been established.

In the early stage of carpal tunnel syndrome, the main symptom is the feeling of numbness in the hand, thumb, index, middle, and part of the fourth fingers.There is also the tingling of the hand, wrist pain and ?pins and needles? feeling at night. As the condition progresses, the affected person may start feeling a burning sensation in the affected area and also cramping and weakness of the hand. Sharp shooting pains in the forearm may also be experienced.

Treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome depends on the severity of the symptoms and if there is any underlying disease condition that may be causing the carpal tunnel pain. Rest, modification of activities, and the use of wrist brace and taking anti-inflammatory medications are the usual regimen done in treating the carpal tunnel pain. Other activities can also lessen the carpal tunnel pain, such as periodic resting and range of motion exercises of the wrist. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is reversible if caught early. If there is an underlying disease causing the carpal tunnel pain, the treatment is targeted in managing this underlying disease.

Several medications have been used in treating carpal tunnel pain. Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) has been reported to relieve the pain. If numbness and pain persist, a cortisone injection into the carpal tunnel can help relieve the carpal tunnel pain. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can also be helpful in decreasing inflammation and giiving carpal tunnel pain relief.

As a result of the chronic pressure on the median nerve, the affected person can sustain a permanent damage to the involved nerve and muscle. In these chronic cases, surgery is offered to the patients.

Want to find out more about treating carpal tunnel pain, then visit Verna Yvanoff?s site on how to choose the best carpal tunnel treatment for your needs.


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Simple And Complex Negotiations Have Something In Common | The ...

Th??? barriers ?r? layers ?f resistance th?t w? m??t avoid, ?r deal ?n order t? come a win-win negotiation. A barrier ?? ?n obstacle w??ve ???r???h fr?m, ?? ?n racing, w? m??t maintain ?b??t wh?t w? ??, t? ?? removing th? barriers th?t w? bag ourselves, ?r t? opinion strategies t? atomize down barriers ?n th? process.

Th? key ?? t? brainstorm ?????, t? locate th? type ?f barriers w? ??n set aside a examine t? ?f ?n th? negotiation process before entering ?t. Once identified w? need t? understand wh?t kind ?f barriers ?r?. S?m? ?r? personal, process, cultural ?r natural. A? ?n mathematics, wh?n w? h??? a very complex site, a salubrious tip ?? t? divide ?t ?nt? segments ?n? solve step b? step, without losing quiz ?f th? whole.

- Th? personal barriers h??? t? ?? w?th th? interrelationship between people negotiating, ?Chemistry?, people ?n? difficult situations, skills ?n? abilities ?f th? parties, th? number ?f people participating ?n th? negotiation, ?m?n? others.

- Th? barriers ?n th? process h??? t? ?? w?th th? type ?f organization th?t w? ?r? negotiating, a few more bureaucratic th?n others, family businesses, corporate ?r international.

- Cultural barriers h??? t? ?? w?th cultural differences ?f participants (business culture, country, etc.)

- Th? natural barriers ?r? inherent ?n th? project ?n save a quiz t? ?r th? sob being negotiated. F?r example prices established industry standards, ?m?n? others.

F?r example, ?f w? know th?t w? ?r? ?b??t t? enter negotiations w?th ?n international corporate, th? first barrier t? entry ?? th? produce t? ?? business ?f th?? corporation ?n? th? differences w?th ??r company. Another barrier ?? th?t th? corporate person w?th wh?m negotiations ?r? going t? ?? ?? perhaps th? m??t complicated ?n? w? m??t prepare t? deal w?th someone difficult.

In addition t? ??? international corporate policies ?r? a natural barrier th?t w? m??t ?h???? ?nt? epic. A? ?f th?? w?r? n?t enough, th?r? ?? th? cultural barrier, ?n? th?t th?? corporation ?? foreign t? those wh? h??? never dealt.

Th?? ?? unbiased one example ?f many, I?m distinct ????ve experienced. Th? view t? understand th? notion ?f negotiation t? identify barriers wh?n ??? ?r? entering a negotiation, segment th? q??n??r? ?nt? smaller problems magnum ?n? solve th? spot efficiently. Negotiation ?? ?n ongoing residence solving between th? parties.

F?r personal barriers th?r? ?r? many tips ?n th? literature ?f h?w t? deal w?th difficult people ?n? th? famous tactics ?f th? negotiators hard ?n? soft.

Cultural barriers t? th? golden rule ?? ?t? understand th? ?th?r culture, values??????? ?n? principles, ?n? factors affecting th? culture ?f negotiation without forming stereotypes.

F?r barriers ?f process ?? mammoth t? understand th? science ?n? see negotiation ?n? wh?t ?r? th? stages ?f th? process ?n? wh?t points ?r? celebrated ?t ???r? stage.

F?r natural barriers ?? valuable t? understand th? factors th?t give power ?n th? negotiation ?n? standards, time, information ?n? more.


Y?? ?r? ?b??t t? net h?? family t? ice skate ?n? input ??? h??? a cramped budget ?n? a vast family. If getting t? th? rink, ??? realize th?t ??? m??t pay $ 90 pesos per adult ?r child, ?n? ??? near w?th a group ?f seven people h?? th? following options.

- Natural Barrier: impress Price

- Cultural Barrier: It ?? located ?n a foreign country

- Barrier Process: It ?? really simple, n?t a corporate, b?t th?r? ?r? two ?links?, th? employee ?n? supervisor

- Barrera Staff: N?, n? chemistry w?th th? employee ?f th? rink

Th? options ??? h??? ?r?:

Dealing w?th natural barrier

1) D? n?t ??? anything ?b??t th? retail carry out ?n? pay th? entrance fee

2) A?k ?f th?r? ?r? ?n? discount ?r age group

If ??? opt f?r option 2, th? typical response ?? ?th?r? ?r? n? group discounts? ?r ?Yes, th?r? ?? a discount f?r groups ?f twenty people.?

If ??, ??? insisted ?n? ????, wh?t ?? th? discount f?r th? group ?f twenty, ?n? h? commented 65 pesos. Wh?t follows ??, ?Well n? b?t w? ?r? twenty one spacious family th?t w? h??? followed, ?? th?r? area t? ???r???h b? a group discount?????? ?. I ??n ??? ??? th?t th? retort w??? b?, ??t m? gawk th? supervisor. An? ?f ??? ??k directly t? th? supervisor, I declare ??? advance b? th? group discount (Barrier-organization process, th? employee ?n? th? supervisor).

Th? graceful ?f th? legend ?? ?f ??? ?? n?t thunder ?n th? negotiation process ?n? ???? n?t try t? fr??t?r? down barriers, ?t w??? n?t wait ?n more ?n? lose th? opportunity ?t th? negotiation table. Th?? example illustrates two barriers, natural ?n? process. Maybe ?f th? person h?? b??n a difficult person, th? challenge w???? h??? b??n greater ?n? w???? h??? another barrier ?personal.?

Th?? brief example shows h?w th??? barriers ??n occur ?n ?n? kind ?f negotiation, ?? th?t w? learn t? ????, analyze, synthesize th? negotiation process ?n? barriers ?n ??rt? ?n order t? increase ??r bargaining power.



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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Full Hurricanes squad practices amid allegations (AP)

CORAL GABLES, Fla. ? The Miami Hurricanes' entire football team took the practice field Wednesday amid mounting allegations by a former booster and convicted Ponzi schemer who claimed he treated players with sex parties, nightclub outings, cars and other gifts.

Nevin Shapiro told Yahoo! Sports he provided extra benefits to 72 football players and other athletes at Miami from 2002 to 2010. His claims involve several current players, but coach Al Golden said it was too soon to take disciplinary action.

The Hurricanes open their season Sept. 5 against Maryland.

"Everybody is practicing," Golden said as his team took the field for a morning workout. "If it is determined somebody broke rules, then certainly they'll be first dealt with. ... As we get ready for Maryland, hopefully we'll swiftly learn if errors were made. If there are guys that are going to have to sit out games, we'll adjust our practice accordingly."

Players weren't permitted to speak with the media.

NCAA investigators were on campus this week to address Shapiro's allegations. Golden, who is in his first season as coach, said he's eager to obtain answers quickly, in part so his players don't repeat past mistakes.

Shapiro was sentenced in June to 20 years in prison for masterminding a $930 million Ponzi scheme, plus ordered to pay more than $82 million in restitution to investors.

"If they were exposed to Mr. Shapiro, clearly we have to make sure we prevent that going forward," Golden said. "You do that by getting to the facts. How did this guy, if he did, get around our players like that? As a head coach, I want to know. I know our assistant coaches want to know. We want to make sure it never happens again. It shouldn't happen."

Shapiro's allegations threaten to bring down a program with a legacy dotted by scandals ? but none quite like this. Yahoo! Sports published its story Tuesday afternoon, saying it spent 100 hours interviewing Shapiro over the span of 11 months and audited thousands of pages of financial and business records to examine his claims.

"I did it because I could," Shapiro said of his spending. "And because nobody stepped in to stop me."

Shapiro began making his allegations about a year ago. Golden joined the Hurricanes in December after Randy Shannon was fired. Shawn Eichorst was hired as athletic director in April to replace Kirby Hocutt, who resigned to become athletic director at Texas Tech.

Golden said when he interviewed for the job, Miami officials did not tell him about Shapiro's allegations.

"If they knew this was percolating, I believe they did have a responsibility to tell me," Golden said. "I believe they have a responsibility to tell Shawn. But look, I'm happy here. My wife is happy here. We have great kids on this team. ...

"I want to make sure we get it right. As quickly as we can get to the bottom of whatever happened, then we can move forward. The only way to do that is to cooperate with the NCAA and get the truth."

Current Miami players named by Shapiro as receiving benefits included quarterback Jacory Harris, Ray Ray Armstrong, Travis Benjamin, Sean Spence, Marcus Forston, Vaughn Telemaque, Dyron Dye, Aldarius Johnson and Olivier Vernon. Former Hurricanes quarterback Robert Marve, now at Purdue, also was named by Shapiro, Yahoo! Sports said.

Shapiro said he gave money, cars, yacht trips, jewelry, televisions and other gifts to a list of players including Vince Wilfork, Jon Beason, Antrel Rolle, Devin Hester, Willis McGahee and the late Sean Taylor.

Shapiro also claimed he paid for restaurant meals and in one case, an abortion for a woman impregnated by a player. One former Miami player, running back Tyrone Moss, told Yahoo! Sports he accepted $1,000 from Shapiro around the time he was entering college.

"Hell yeah, I recruited a lot of kids for Miami," Shapiro told Yahoo! Sports. "With access to the clubs, access to the strip joints. My house. My boat. We're talking about high school football players. Not anybody can just get into the clubs or strip joints. Who is going to pay for it and make it happen? That was me."

Shapiro has said multiple times in the past year, including in the Yahoo! Sports story posted Tuesday, that he is angry with several of the players he claims to have helped when they were Hurricanes ? only to be "abandoned" when he sought their help years later.

Miami officials began cooperating with NCAA investigators not long after Shapiro made claims about his involvement with players last year. Eichorst and university president Donna Shalala were questioned by the NCAA this week. The school reiterated Tuesday it takes the allegations seriously.

The allegations against Miami ? which dealt with a massive Pell Grant scandal in the 1990s, along with other controversies ? have sparked what is just the latest in a string of NCAA investigations involving some of college football's most high-profile and successful programs.

In the past 18 months, the football teams at Southern California, Ohio State, Auburn, Oregon, Michigan, North Carolina, Georgia Tech and LSU all have either been investigated or sanctioned by the NCAA.

The litany of scandals has led to calls for major reforms in the way the NCAA regulates and polices big-time college athletics. Commissioners of the major conferences, including Mike Slive from the Southeastern Conference and Jim Delany from the Big Ten, have called for major changes and increased penalties for rule-breakers.

Last week, NCAA President Mark Emmert led a group of university presidents in laying out an outline for changes, including raising academic standards, streamlining the rulebook and changing the parameters of athletic scholarships.

Yahoo! Sports also said Shapiro paid Wilfork $50,000 as a recruiting tool to sign with sports agency Axcess Sports & Entertainment, a firm Shapiro claimed he co-owned for much of the time he was involved with the Hurricanes. Yahoo! Sports reported players got cash and benefits through Shapiro's partner, former NFL agent and current UFL commissioner Michael Huyghue.

Reached Tuesday by The Associated Press, Huyghue denied that Shapiro had any role in his company.


AP Sports Writers Tim Reynolds, Eric Olson, Cliff Brunt and RB Fallstrom contributed to this story.



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