Thursday, August 25, 2011

Home Builders Recognize Scholarship, Contest Winners | Central ...

The Moore County Home Builders Association (MCHBA) recognized the 2011 scholarship recipients and awarded a trophy for the MCHBA Battle of the Schools competition during its August meeting.

Three MCHBA grant-in-aid scholarships, in the amount of $1,500, were awarded to:

n Robert F. Chriscoe Scholarship Award ? Shannon Simpson, Union Pines High School

n Allan A. McDonald Scholarship Award - Tyler Dunn, North Moore High School

n Eugene Cole Scholar-ship Award - Erik Buf-meyer, Union Pines High School.

The MCHBA presented an Award of Honor scholarship in the amount of $500 to Michael Everett, Union Pines High School.

Each scholarship recipient received an engraved hammer and certificate for their achievement.

The Clendenin Award, named for Albert Clendenin Jr., the father of vocational education in Moore County, was also presented to Simpson and Dunn. They received an engraved saw and certificate for their achievement.

The MCHBA thanked Paul Portfilio, from 84 Lumber, for donating all of the scholarship trophies.

For the second consecutive year, Union Pines High School?s house project won first place in the association?s Battle of the Schools competition.

Each year, Pinecrest, Union Pines and North Moore architectural drafting and construction technology students construct a home to provide the students with practical hands-on experience.

The students work on the projects throughout the school year. Once completed in the spring, the homes are auctioned to the highest bidder. The funds raised are then used to continue future projects. The competition is held prior to the sale of the homes.

Serving as judges this year were Guy McGraw, of Lowe?s Home Improvement; John Pandich, of Pandich Construction Co.; and Clayton Evans, of First Pioneer Insurance Agency.

Some of the criteria for judging include presentation of package, appearance, craftsmanship, custom features, creativity and overall quality.

North Moore took second, and Pinecrest High third.

?All of you should be very proud of the work you have done with these young adults,? said Pandich, president of the MCHBA.

Odell Brady, instructor for construction technology class at Union Pines, was present at the meeting to accept the first-place award.

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