Tuesday, August 16, 2011

3 Steps to Overcoming Criticism | The Lightsome Life ...

No one LOVES to be criticized, especially when done outside of the ?constructive criticism? realm. (which I might still have issue with)

Having gone through my own share of criticism, honestly on both sides, being the one criticized and the one criticizing, I have found 3 steps to help us overcome it.


Step 1:


Let?s be honest.? When we are lacking in the zzzzz?s department, we are more apt to be cranky and criticize others OR be really sensitive and respond in unhealthy ways to criticism.? A nap always helps to calm the emotions, get perspective and THEN address the situation head on.


Step 2:


Often when we feel criticized, it takes a major hit on our self esteem.? We begin this mental process of analyzing who we are and how we are not enough.? It becomes this downward cycle of one negative thought after another about ourselves. On the other hand when we feel the need to be overly critical of others, often at its root is the belief that we can?t accept ourselves for who we are, so no one, including ourselves is good enough.

Instead, take a brief moment to STOP the negative thoughts and write down just 10 things you do like about who you are and what good you do bring to those around you.? You don?t have to feel like you are changing the world with these things, just make them real and honest.? You are not trying to one up everyone here like Penelope from SNL.? You are just trying to be real about who you are.? Recognizing your uniqueness and WHO you are the is key to feeling strong enough to move forward to Step 3.


Step 3:

WRITE 10 THINGS YOU LIKE, or are thankful for,



I know, you are about to walk away now.? BUT SERIOUSLY, consider how this difficult, but simple act of gratitude on your part will quickly shift your whole world.

I know this is hard, I have done this process myself and this last step took a lot of time.? My mind and energy wanted to keep going back to the ways I had been the victim and I had been wronged and the OTHER party should be thanking ME!

Focus on the GOOD.? Take a few breaths and write down #1.? Take a few more breaths then start writing something next to #1.? Look deep inside your heart as to WHY this person should feel they are enough, just like you found yourself to be in Step #2.



Everyone around us is dealing with the similar things to us.? It is just showing up for them in a different way, and affecting relationships in a different way.? The root of this so often is the false belief,? ?I am NOT enough?.

This is a L-I-E.

You are enough for simply being alive, as is everyone around you.? We all are seeking to feel validated and approved of.? To get to this place of self-acceptance, try this 3 step process of expressing acceptance of yourself and of those people who have wronged you, or whom you have wronged.

I look forward to hearing YOUR experiences from implementing these 3 steps to your life.? Just don?t get caught on Step 1. :) ? Make sure to move forward to Steps 2 & 3.

Just in case you might feel exhausted after this process, feel free to Repeat Step 1. ;)

You must be the change you want to see in the world ? Mahatma Gandhi


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Source: http://thelightsomelife.com/3-steps-to-overcoming-criticism?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=3-steps-to-overcoming-criticism

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