Sunday, September 11, 2011

Business Security Information ? Should I Cut Back on Security?

In today?s current economic environment, businesses and individuals have to take a look at everything and determine what should be cut back on or eliminated in order to stay financially sound.? One of the things that most businesses will look at is the amount of the budget spent on security.

Should businesses skimp or cut back on security?? My opinion is ?definitely not,? and not just because I am in the security field. In most business environments, there are on-going security risks that have to be protected against and dealt with in order to keep the business running.? While it is easy to save money initially by cutting back on security, the risks in the long-run may outweigh the short-term benefits.? Businesses need to evaluate their security risks to see how and where limited funds should be spent to properly protect themselves.? This begins with a security assessment.

In both good and bad economic times, many businesses spend money on security measures that really are inadequate, unnecessary, or that seem to protect their business from some very obvious threats but, in actuality, don?t.? Businesses must understand the types of security risks that affect them and then protect against them as best they can.

Businesses will never have one hundred percent security no matter how much they spend or how hard they try.? Each business is unique based on the type of business, their operating practices, their location, etc., and one-size-fits-all security, even within the same industry, does not usually work.? There are generalized security practices to follow, but they must be tweaked to fit the needs of the individual business in order to provide the best chance of protecting a business against known security threats.

We are in economic times that, right now, do not appear for most people to be getting better and may not for some time. The scammers, fraudsters, crooks, criminals or whatever name you want to call them are out in force.? If businesses do not take measures to protect themselves, they will most likely experience some form of loss from a security event.? Take a look at your? business?s security threats and current security measures and decide whether you are fine where you are at or whether you need to make some improvements to adequately protect your business.

Remember, never spend more than is necessary on security, but, at the same time, don?t look back later and wish you had implemented better security.? Your business and your livelihood is at stake.

Contact us here at Business Security Information if you wish to discuss this issue further or need assistance with conducting a security assessment.

Related posts:

  1. Employee Theft: A Case for Adequate Security!
  2. Pharmacy Robbery Risk
  3. Small Business Security


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