Thursday, May 26, 2011

Answers To Your Questions About Sport Bets Picks ...

Answers To Your Questions About Sport Bets Picks

Chris asks?

Why are sport fans so committed when players aren?t?

For all the hardcore sport fans out there who are so committed to their home town/ state teams, why do you people need to be so committed and get angry and excited over a sport that you, yourselves aren?t even involved in or get paid for? (unless you are betting on the game)
Think about this?.many players aren?t even from or live in the city they play for. They are just there because they got picked and are getting paid. Joe Sport Player could care less if he is playing for New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, etc and will leave his current team if offered more money from another team.
When a new season begins, team lineup and coaching staff sometimes changes, so even the teams are never the same from season to season.
So why are sport fans so committed in having their home teams win and get fights over it and all that? The actual teams and players aren?t even that emotional or committed?as long as they have their multi-million dollar contracts.

Chris Chandler answers:

Some are justt in it for the $$$$$$ most are playing for the love of the game

David asks?

why is betting so hard?

i wonder y sports betting is so hard? like theoretically you should have a 50% chance because u can either pick 1 team or the other team and yet myself and everyone i know are always losing everything?i dont understand?my personal preference is that all sports are fixed to benefit the economy so whatever team has more money on it loses?(not really but thats what it seems like.) soo can you guys tell me y no one ever picks the right team
those 2 answers make sense but i understood that before i asked the question?im saying like we all just lose?..and all its not 50 50 exactly cause you do get a lil worse odds.. a tie is a push and you dnt lose or win and money?all im saying is that the booky or casino has no control over what team you pick?u either pick team A or team B and for some reason i just always pick the wrong team?.ill take the favortie one gamem and then ill take home team underdog and everytime its just a loss?i dnt get it?.shit like im sure minnesota is gunna lose at indiana..but they do?so i say clemson is gunna beat unc at home but no they dont..and there not random bets?a lot of research and knowledge of colelge basketball goes into this

Chris Chandler answers:

You remember the bets you lose more than the bets you win.

If you get 50% right, you?ll still lose money, that?s the key.

People pick the right teams all the time. I picked GB in the Superbowl? More money was on them. Vegas casinos only made a tiny profit since more money was on GB and the over.

Why don?t you and your friends take the opposite sides of games, so someone will always win.

Daniel asks?

Who is your pick for the 2010 Kentucky Derby?

I have usually kept up with Kentucky Derby contenders but I haven?t this year.
I was leaning toward Rule but I was disappointed with the Florida Derby performance, and does Ice Box have a chance? Also I was hearing a lot about RadioHead until after the Florida Derby now nothing?

I don?t bet, I just like to follow the sport! =)

Chris Chandler answers:

Well, if we look at what we have so far, most of the Kentucky Derby prep races have been won by horses either on or just off of the lead. With such speed it could set the Kentucky Derby up for a late-running type like Ice Box, Ice Box has a stalking running style, with a great turn of foot, and the pedigree to get ten furlongs. His Florida Derby final time showed that he didn?t just take advantage of the pace melt down? He could do the distance? And his successfully strive to the wire, all this shows he has what it takes. I really like Ice Box, he shows all the necessary requirements for the Kentucky Derby, and should do quite well.

There are quite of few races left yet on the road to the derby. Other horses that have potential are:

Lookin? At Lucky
Sidney?s Candy

It?s OK to bet, unless your under age, it helps the horse racing industry. It?s a great sport to follow regardless. Good Luck and enjoy the Kentucky Derby, Saturday May 1ST 2010 !

Michael asks?

Lost a bet now my girlfriend wants me to wear this?

My gf and I made a bet and she won (it was a bet on sports trivia and I knew I had it because she doesn?t even like baseball, but she beat me 2 out of 3 times. Anyway ?) So, she could choose two things for me to do and I could pick which one. She said I could put it to a vote here, because I couldn?t decide (i don?t like either option). (She is really being mean on this bet because I was a jerk about how girls don?t know about sports ? yeah, I know, I shouldn?t have, but I am a guy).

(A) wear this to the neighborhood pool (I only have to swim for 15 minutes and stay by the pool 15 minutes)


(B) wear this on a night we go out (with low rise jeans) and a tight t-shirt

I don?t want to do either. The pool bikini one will be over in 30 minutes and she said we can go to a pool not in our neighborhood. The ?date? thong one though will last until she wants to come home ? dinner, bar hopping, etc. Which should I do ? and please, no ugly comments about me getting myself into this. I already KNOW THAT!

Chris Chandler answers:

HaHa sucks to be you

Donald asks?

Should the host city be able to pick the final 2 sports for the Olympics instead of a IOC vote?

In other words lets say what ever city wins the bid for the 2016 Olympics should they get to pick the 2 remaining sports (27-28) for the Olympics?

Had this plan been in place London could of had the option of picking such sports as Rugby Sevens? , Squash or maybe Netball or any other from a list of Olympic recognized sports being the criteria. Maybe even 20/20 cricket.

Why I proposed this idea is that it gives the host city at least a say in 2 sports that would have appeal and not be such a burden to build a venue that was a waist such as baseball was in Athens or Barcelona.

If say Tokyo or Chicago won the bid for 2016 then it?s a safe bet they would probably pick Softball maybe Baseball or Golf. In the case of Tokyo maybe Karate or Sumo Wrestling.

Remember up till Atlanta 1996 host cities where allowed to pick demonstration sports, but they had limited appeal as they never could as part of the actual Olympics. Where as know they would count.

For 2020 it would be the same thing again the city that won the bid would get to pick #27-28 sports as long as they are Olympic recognized sports.
As you can see for your self the list Olympic recognized sports is long and a host city would find at least 2 sports that would have appeal.

IOC is slow as Baseball and Softball should be on the list as well.
Current IOC system 2016 Olympics will get top 2 sports with the most votes. 7 sports they will vote Baseball, Karate, Rugby Sevens?, Squash, Roller sports, Softball and Golf.

Chris Chandler answers:

It?s not a bad idea, but they country would choose two sports that they would win gold in, as you mentioned rugby sevens as an example for the UK. I wouldn?t mind seeing the host country being able to choose a few demonstration sports for the Games though.

I think that rugby sevens, softball, squash and golf are the only ones that are serious contenders (baseball has been too damaged by steroids and no pros at the Games). Of those I?d like to see softball and golf make it. The IOC could really do with adding the popularity of Tiger Woods to the games. I?d even consider amateur golf in a match play format.

Richard asks?

Numbers racket and bookies still around somewhere?

Back befrore the governments got into the lottery business it was called the Numbers Racket and run by organized crime [pick 3 and pick 4 games]. They ran it through bookies, same as pony and sports bets. Unlike the online gaming today, I never heard of the mob being slow to pay off wins, never heard of any swindling, never heard of any welching. But it was illegal then, same as now, because it was private enterprise doing it and was immoral, as opposed to the government doing it and it becoming moral.

But I?m wondering if the bookies and numbers rackets are still out there operating in big US cities, despite government competition? I hope they are. Quite frankly, if I have to choose between organized crime and government making money off gambling I?d have to toss a coin or roll dice to decide one over the other.

Is it more corrupting to have the government in the numbers racket, or more corrupting to leave it to the honest criminals who make no claims to being anything but what they are [except in a courtroom]?

Chris Chandler answers:

The numbers game never went away. It is still around. So are bookies too.

I bet the mob run numbers racket have better odds than state run lotteries. State run lotteries offer the worst odds of any form a gambling that I know.

As for the rest of your post, I can?t say one way or another if legal lotteries are better or worse than mob run racket schemes. I would not wish to owe a mobster money. I don?t think you can lottery on credit granted by a government. Such things are cash on delivery. So I think the government has an moral edge in that respect. At the same time, no bookie is forced to extend credit. They do so at their own peril.

So the only aspect left is where does the money go? State lotteries are supposed to support schools and stuff like that. That?s a noble cause. What does an organized crime group do with its numbers money? Does it use that money to traffic in drugs? Does it use that money to kill other gangsters?

Mandy asks?

How do I read this World Cup gambling line?

If you go here and look at Germany vs England it says (for Germany) ?Pick (+110) +180? and for England ?Pick (-140) +155?

Usually, where the ?Pick? is located there is a point spread (like +1 or -1) but when it is ?pick? it looks like no spread? isn?t that a tie? There is an option to bet on a tie as well, separately from these values. The second number is for the team to win outright, so I?m confused what you are betting on if you choose either of the ?pick? options.

I?m not actually betting, just trying to understand the language of sports betting.

The website says it is specifically for the first 2 periods only and does not count overtime.

Chris Chandler answers:

Betting on a ?Pick? is the same as betting on a spread of ?+0?. So, if the team you pick wins the game then you win your bet, if they lose the game then you lose your bet, and if they tie the game then you push your bet.

This is different from picking a team on the moneyline, because a tie in that case would result in a loss of your bet.

?Pick? just eliminates losing in case of a tie. Because your chances of losing are smaller though, the odds are a little worse.

Helen asks?

Week 15 fictional bet??

Brett was the big winner last week with $1385 in profit. This week the Sports Select bet returns.

Just in case you don?t remember, you can make your normal bets. Than also wager on a Sports Select bet. Min. wager is $5. There is no max, but bets must be in $5 increments. You must select at least 3 games to bet on. Your individual game bets and your sports select ticket do not need to be the same. The ?tie? odds pertain only to the Sports Select bet. Two teams will have tied when the spread in the score is less than 3.5 points.

Here are the odds?

Game 1
Edmonton (3.05) v. Hamilton (1.75) Tie (3.60)

Game 2
Toronto (6.15) v. Saskatchewan (1.20) Tie (4.55)

Game 3
Calgary (2.70) v. Montreal (2.00) Tie (3.25)

Game 4
BC (2.80) v. Winnipeg (1.90) Tie (3.40)

What are your picks?
$5 on Edmonton
$10 on Saskatchewan
$5 on Calgary

$5 ticket
(Good point about the two birds. Bombers are starting Brink, so I might have to have this pic for another week.)
Canadian Mickey:
$200 on Hamilton
$200 on Saskatchewan
$200 on Montreal
$201 on BC

$5 ticket
(I?m so glad I haven?t been on here in awhile. Staring at this pic would drive me crazy lol)
50 on EDM
100 on Sask
50 on Mtl
50 on BC

$5 ticket
Big Bad Me:
Game 1:
$10 Hamilton
$300 SSK
$10 MTL
$20 BC
(Thanks. After the first half, I thought we had it. After the last field goal, I knew I?d have to put up this pic)
lmao @ JJ. You never know, maybe Brink will turn out to be the ?horse riding hero?. I doubt it, but at least it?s something to look forward to.
My picks:
20 Ham
19.50 Toronto
50 Calgary
50 Winnipeg

20 Ticket
Calg/Mtl Tie
BC/Wpg Tie
$700 on Hamilton
$700 on Saskatchewan
$700 on Montreal
$700 on BC

Chris Chandler answers:

I see you made a similar bet with Mickey like I did. I guess we?ll see if I?ll be joining you this week or not, Bombers have to win and BC can?t score more than 14 points or I?ll have a BC logo myself?Now that I think about it, Mickey got a pretty good deal getting two birds with one stone?

I?ll post my bets later.

$5 on Edmonton
$10 on Saskatchewan
$5 on Calgary

$5 ticket

Brett why do you keep posting stupid questions, is it because your three Grey Cups make you feel unmasculine?

Ruth asks?

How do I read this World Cup gambling line?

If you go here and look at Germany vs England it says (for Germany) ?Pick (+110) +180? and for England ?Pick (-140) +155?

Usually, where the ?Pick? is located there is a point spread (like +1 or -1) but when it is ?pick? it looks like no spread? isn?t that a tie? There is an option to bet on a tie as well, separately from these values. The second number is for the team to win outright, so I?m confused what you are betting on if you choose either of the ?pick? options.

I?m not actually betting, just trying to understand the language of sports betting.
The bet says it is specifically for the first 2 periods only and does not count overtime.

Chris Chandler answers:

I want to say that the second odds are the odds to win in extra time or a penalty shootout while the first odds are the odds to win on regulation. According to that I would think that bettors got $110 for every $100 bet on Germany to win in the regular 90.

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