Saturday, May 21, 2011

Why Are Fad Diets Becoming So Popular Every day?

As the obesity epidemic believed to affect more than fifty percent of the planets population, the reign of 'celebrity diets' and 'fast weight loss programs has risen to dizzying heights. From the cabbage soup diet to the Hollywood 24 to the Factor 5 diet, every single one of the aforementioned weight loss programs all claim to help you lose weight fast and experience increased metabolic activity.

How do they work? No... Aside from assisting you to witness instant weight loss, most diet pills have revealed minimal weight losses of just 1-4lbs before losing momentum after 2 weeks.

Worryingly, once slimmers stopped following these fad meals they soon regained all the weight they lost. Can they harm your health?

While it is true that some of the top celebrity can assist you to benefit from quick weight loss, many cannot be used for the long term

Limiting the size of essential nutrients required to ensure your organs is working at maximum levels, many involve lowering your calorie intake to less than 1,000 calories a day- over half your recommended daily uptake.

Supported by countless hours in the gym and tough calorie checking, most of these diets run the danger of causing you to feel quaky, tired, unable to focus plus more worryingly stop you from functioning properly - All of which are harmful to your body.

How can you recognize a fad diet? Easier than you imagine...Offering you a immediate resolution for your weight loss concerns, you can often tell a fad diet by their:

* Way too wonderful to be real statements * Lack of healthcare studies * Deletion of two if not more of the five recommended food groups * Recommendations from medical professionals without testimonials by other medical professionals.

As you select a dietary fad or slimming pill, it is always important to deeply research their studies first before including them into your eating habits. If there is no medical evidence that they can achieve safe health benefits, then more often than not they are too good to be true.

Babji is a passionate blogger who offers juicy fad diet tips that you can use to perfect your health and fitness today. Feel free to tap into his list of fad diets secrets that he posts on his blog daily.


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