Thursday, May 26, 2011

The TechCrunch Disrupt NY Drinking Game: Day One

It's that time of the half-year again! Time for TechCrunch Disrupt - or as it's officially titled this year: AOL-HuffingtonPost-TechCrunch Disrupt, Part III: Back In Training. For me, the highlight of the event is when Heather and Mike take to the stage and announce that they're selling the company to someone ridiculous (this year my money's on 4Chan!). For the rest of you, though, I know the real reason you sit glued to the live stream all day is to play The TechCrunch Disrupt Drinking Game. You should know the rules by now: round up some friends, grab a bottle and follow the simple instructions below. Or as the Bard would have it said: Blow, wind! come, wrack! At least we'll die with vomit down our shirt!


ashton kutcher fl clenbuterol machiavelli smallville finale angelman syndrome morganza spillway

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