Lots of relaxation techniques for anxiety focus on swift symptoms, though not the fundamental root of the problem. A few of popular anxiousness reduction techniques even work consistently, provided the symptoms are mild. If you suffer from mild anxiety from time to time, it is always great to have a few relaxation methods in your hip pocket when you need to calm down a bit.
What about the deeper, stronger hysteria symptoms that appear and disappear when they darn well feel like it? What about the agitation that, regardless of how hard you have tried, you haven't ever been ready to control? There is good news and bad news.
The good news: you can totally overcome these much harder symptoms of hysteria.
The bad news: you?ll need to address the deeper issues together with the symptoms to get long lasting results.
The better news about the bad news: it is personality building! You'll learn a lot about yourself that you almost certainly would not have bothered to learn otherwise. In the final analysis, you may finish up thankful for everything that you hysteria led you to learn.
Approaching the deeper issues around anxiety. It is wise to do so on at least 2 levels:
Physical: the latest in medical research implies that the brain?s Default Mode Network (DMN) is a strong player in emotional life. Consuming up to 80% of the brain?s energy when active the DMN is linked with ?self-referential thoughts? or mind wandering. Fundamentally, it's the autopilot mental processes and resulting tensions the DMN pushes out when you are not consciously engaged in a task.
If you're mind is out of control, as though it were running you, rather than the other way around, your DMN is hyperactive, that has been associated with a formidable number of mental conditions. It's time to tame the DMN, which is what our persistent stress programme is all about.
Emotional: High nervousness is usually related to poor emotional boundaries, that will lead to confusion about when to finish taking emotional accountability for events and interactions. This is a deep issue that can require ages to fix, but still can be easily accepted with the following analogy:
Imagine an open rain barrel in a monsoon tempest, peppered with incessant raindrops and overflowing. This is your emotional life, with relentless emotional data entering your body. It can be overwhelming and awfully hard to contain. Now, put a water resistant lid on the barrel. Boundary installed!
Of course, your psyche is not as simple as a rain barrel, but the same logic applies. The nature of the emotional boundary that you install is a result of your inner process and the maturity you gain as you do your emotional work.
This multi-level approach to handling your hysteria is the nearest to a warranty of results that you will ever find.
Mike Bundrant is a mindfulness based stress reduction expert who conducts nlp training onlinewith the iNLP Center.
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