Friday, July 29, 2011

Run faster and longer, if compression stockings

When I started running longer distances in my CWX tights experts have noticed that I was stronger and recovered more quickly. At first I admit, I posted the old placebo effect. I mean, how could tights make much difference? I discovered the existence of a precise logic behind the statements in the original CWX compression that has been very specific advantages in the field of education. Well, according to a recent study published in French as in the International Journal of SportsMedicine, some of these claims were confirmed. What did the study was to compare compression pantyhose, tights and regular regular running shorts to find out whether there are advantages for one of the options. The study mainly on the compression tights delayed muscle fatigue caused by pressure on the major muscle groups. Controlling muscle movements and reducing the impact of trauma to muscles, compress it effectively for maximum oxygen intake, soWith whom you last longer and faster long distances.

The study's author believes, St?phane Perrey, Ph.D., that the wearing of compression stockings for up to 6 minutes outside 3:30:00 marathon time and that this may be due to the increased blood flow to the bottom of the body. The study also pointed out that compression stockings improve technical performance, by aligning it more coherent and better knee function. The same principles should apply evenCWX the peaks. For a long distance runner that can later problems in one race and intuition as well, however small it may be, it affects / your ability to breathe it. The harder it is to breathe, less oxygen gets into the working muscles. The heart rate increases and so does the intensity it difficult to keep a certain pace. CWX compressions are focused around the shoulders, arms and upper back, perched in an effort to support aupright posture and clear the breathing passage open.

I must say I have nothing but positive feedback on all products CWX. We had in store for a little over a year and have sold hundreds of pieces. In early October 2006, Canada became a CWX Running Team sponsors for free. Part of the sponsorship was to test our athletes to the different products and give honest view, informative and useful. Enter for this valuable information on the review page of late 2006, early 2007.

? study in the International Journal of Sports Medicine published in 2006 and written by St?phane Perrey, Ph.D.


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