Thursday, July 28, 2011

Short Story ? The Angel And The Vampire

I was working in State Bank, as the reason, when my father called me, insisted that I go home immediately. He declined to give any reason as its nature, a kind of Hitler. It's still me as a child. I must confess that I'm thin, weak-minded and not the will power of my father. It was his suggestion that I join the bank. My preference was to literature. Only fools read poetry, he said.

Mother died early in my life, and my father wantedquite early, married, so it's a woman in the house, which was quite large and the leadership of a few hectares in size. I hated telling me to count coconuts, before they enter the mill for extracting oil. I have always made mistakes in the count, as my thoughts to wander here and there.

When I got home, he told me a girl I knew from childhood. I cursed my fate. She was one of half a dozen brats, black dirt with a running nose and always talk about what has comehis opinion.

Her house was in a village can be reached by a local train, starting in the early morning hours. The next train is in the evening. I had to go alone as it had been informed in advance. Of course her father was too busy to come wth me. Sushma was to think of our office, he had compassion on me. I also felt happy in his presence. I lost the station, where I had to get out. So I went to the next station.

To my surprise and relief, my classmates was the stationMaster is! Once the train left, he took me into his room. When I explained my situation, broke: Let him go to hell. He deserves a raise. Can you live with your income. One day the old man will surely die. Not married get today. Wait a few years. You're only 22!

For lunch we went to his neighborhood, just a short walk from the station. Infrmed had his mother and I waited. He had one sister, very nice, but not healthy. He went to talk to me, asan old friend, even if it was our first meeting. I liked it.

When I came home by train at noon, my father said nothing. When I talked about my lack of place, out of the train, the only comment was, what can you expect from a dreamer?

The station master, my friend, and I belong to the same caste, Tamil Brahmins settled in Keralam. He lost the time to go to my Father, and before I could think of it, my marriage with his sister has been fixed. I wasnot unhappy.

I have a better home, and we began our life with a positive note. The mobile phone has allowed us to be together, even though we were separated, and I enjoyed his gentle voice, which almost always. Sushma, even if a girl Nair used to get out and come back to our house. My wife knew how to vada, dosa, muruku and a variety of other courts, which make only in Tamilnadu. Sushma would teach the technique, and sometimes my wife would sing. He had a pleasant voice.

Each month, my wifeFever, with a high temperature. I think the doctors do not understand his problem. They went to prescribe new medications that were of no avail. When she was pregnant, I warned about his inability to survive birth, but my wife has stooped to have the baby. Sushma also tried to avoid the accident, what a D and C.

I've tried to believe in his powers. We went to all temples and prayers. When the time came, we went to Medical College Hospital, where I CalicutFriends. Sushma came to give moral support.

Even when I remember those days, I feel the utter helplessness of the people, our prayers and hopes. I was mentally prepared to hear the worst, but was spared the necessity. She had a boy and survived.

But the joy was short-lived. He died of a fever, very seriously, always in a delirium, then uncoscious.

Sushma stayed with me in order to take the child.

I was transferred to Calcutta. When I enteredIndustry is, my boss was a lady Swamy. She came and I wanted to. Seeing the new arrival was a shot of recognition through his eyes, only a momentary beam of light. She beckoned me to enter into his cabin. In order to be seated, his smile broke out into peals of laughter. I could not understand. How can this woman of fashion, even if deep black, I know who live in the far Keralam? But his eyes, so magnetic and fiery, reminded me of the past. But how?

You are not Vallapuzha?He asked. I was stunned. Yes, you have a large estate there. Yes, ma'am. OH! Forget the old lady. They are easy to Geeta. Once you came to me, but do not appear. My father was very angry then. I kept mum.

Several customers came and cheered for me. I could not believe it. As the dirty girl in this lively, bright, trendy clothes, Senior Manager of the nationalized bank, where I am an accountant has changed yet unknown, it was inconceivable for me. DuringLunch break, he called me and we drank tea and biscuits. He asked me to stay until he made me dinner. What was new, I have not much to do. He called me at four.

I have to thank God you came. I came back here only a week. I have not yet solved. You brought your family? I told her what happened.

I'm sorry people. In any case, we will be together. I have many friends here. I fix them. Then he took me in his car and aelegant restaurant. She acted as if we were friends for a long time. He also ordered non-veg. Elements. I chose doses that were available, fortunately. Why do not you go try for the post officer.

I'm happy as it is. My father pushed me hard to get married. All others are married. Now there is. And you?

Mine is still alive. Very weak. You can not see or hear. On the night convinced me to stay in his hotel room. There is plenty of room for two. We are not adolescents. I had enough sex.Now I'm not interested unless you want to.

Can I be with my people at home? He asked the hotel to the number I was connected to. Sushma Who is that? Is up to you? Yes and no. Here she is looking after my son. It is very dedicated to my wife and our son late.

Well, good night! Have adequate rest. Talk later. In the office, asked for my opinion, even for small things. Crore in a case with a loan of twenty. He wanted to study it thoroughly,particular risk factor. A minister is concerned.

We moved into a house, a stylish resort. Why not a good one, I asked. Life is to enjoy. Who do I save money? Later they will not forget when we need their help? ? I had no answer.

Everyone was happy as it seemed. Some people in the office, though. What is the relationship between the two? People were curious. Two people in our society can not live together if they happen to be of different sexes. Someanonymous letters have reached the headquarters has sent the Lady. She showed it to me. WHAT YOU SAY adviser be?

On the one hand, I undrestood his philosophy. But we live in a society. We have to respect their feelings.

Sushma wanted to come to Calcutta. I was eager to see my son. The picture looked very nice. Now it is two years. I've never gone home during those two years.

That evening we went to a parking lot. The full moon was rising in the east, spreading hisSquirt milk all over the world. Geeta was very close, with his arms around me, warm and soft, warm and tender. Her lips were nibbling on my cheek. A heavenly scent emanated from his body. We lay down, curling against each other. He removed the buttons of his jacket and took my mouth very close to the buttery soft hills, when we heard footsteps on us ??.

He bought some whiskey and we returned home. The waitress brought our food, and they rejected her.While sipping the drink and tasting of chicken, no more objectionable to me, we spent a pleasant evening.

I've hardly slept. In the middle of the night was something crawling on my body. When I turned on the light, I saw Geeta lick my body, every inch of him, she is completely naked, her full breasts and erect nipples. My body began to hotter and hotter. She was lying on my body and I almost bit off her lips.

My things were like a pillar in the tunnel and entered the valley, aseasily, like a sharp knife into the soft cake ??

Sushma came the next day with the child. I said goodbye and went to the station to receive them. The boy was healthy and intelligent. Sushma seemed even brighter. No one will say, is not his son. During the trip I asked a series of questions to answer some very difficult. Why do I stay with Geeta?

We visited. He was in a big city for the first time. The children enjoyed the atmosphereChildren's playground, etc. But she was very critical of Geeta. You can do anything, he said.

I said, to transfer that Geeta Sushma willing to Calcutta. Lady help?

The day of departure came. The boy was crying, but no response from Sushma. When we went to his room, lay dead The blood came from his mouth.

Geeta: I've always kept a bottle of cyanide on the need. He must have taken involuntarily.

I took the child and SushmaLuggage. I went to the station, without saying a word.


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