Friday, July 29, 2011

Video Conferencing ? Modern Means Of Communication - DOCOMOMO ...

There have been rapid advancements in the field of telecommunication, especially in the last 2 decades.People sitting on opposite ends of the globe can see and interact with each other via video conferencing techniques.Video conferencing was considered an expensive means of communication when it was invented initially.However, the cost of video conferencing equipment has relatively reduced owing to technical enhancements and competition. Today, basic video conferencing equipment is a part of households as well.Multi-point video conferencing has made online meetings possible, which in turn has made video conferencing on the business front very much possible.

Corporate teams that require regular interaction among groups operating at remote locations make more use of video conferencing equipment for business purposes.Video conferencing saves a lot of money for such companies as people do not have to travel to and fro to different locations to attend their meetings, but can even attend it from their homes using internet combined with video conferencing equipment.Interaction that occurs between two sites is called Point to Point, or P2P technique.Modern video conferencing equipment supports multiple locations communication, referred to as multi-point video conference.

Webcam is the simplest video conferencing equipment. People sitting at two different locations can use a webcam to communicate via chat sessions and chat rooms.Depending upon budget and type of resolution required, different webcams are available in the market.For businesses and offices, multi-point video conferencing equipments are required.A multi-point control unit acts as a high end video conferencing equipment that can connect to the internet and functions as per the H.323 standard. Such equipment acts as a bridge that sets up a video conference between different locations.A fixed number of video conferences can be supported by multi-control unit at a time.

Another video conferencing equipment that functions as per H.323 equipment is the Gatekeeper.This device stores dedicated IP?s and connects to the internet.A number and passcode combination has to be dialed by the users to join a video conference.The Gatekeeper video conferencing equipment determines the validity of the passcode and service number.

Sufficient internet bandwidth is a basic requirement of all video conferencing equipment to function properly.An issue commonly faced with video conferencing equipment is system compatibility.Videos and presentation sharing is commonplace at the time of video conferencing. Thus, it becomes essential to check if OS compatibility with video conferencing equipment is stable.Video conferencing equipment is also influenced by business needs.As an illustration consider a video conference meeting that requires a survey to be completed at the end. Here, a system that supports polling features will be required.

Tagged with: video conferencing equipment


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