Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Projects and host families | Global Routes Blog

We spoke with the leaders today and they gave us an update on the group?s work and home lives:

They are almost finished with the world map mural and have been adding the bright colors to its outline over the last few days. The group also decided to construct monkey bars out of bamboo! The local children are already flipping all over them and loving the new form of play. While they work, the students love rocking out to the Edward Sharpe song ?Home? on the big ?ol Global Routes boombox.?

The students have enjoyed learning more about their host families lives. Some students accompanied their families to plant rice in the fields; others sat down with them and shucked corn. Many families are learning how to play the students? favorite card games! A few nights ago, the leaders walked into a ?dance-off? in one home?the host sisters were playing music off their family?s cell phone and showing the students traditional Nepali dances.

Stay tuned for more once the group leaves the village and heads into final travel.

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